pub unsafe extern "C" fn PxRigidBodyExt_linearSweepMultiple(
    body: *mut PxRigidBody,
    scene: *mut PxScene,
    unitDir: *const PxVec3,
    distance: f32,
    outputFlags: PxHitFlags,
    touchHitBuffer: *mut PxSweepHit,
    touchHitShapeIndices: *mut u32,
    touchHitBufferSize: u32,
    block: *mut PxSweepHit,
    blockingShapeIndex: *mut i32,
    overflow: *mut bool,
    filterData: *const PxQueryFilterData,
    filterCall: *mut PxQueryFilterCallback,
    cache: *const PxQueryCache,
    inflation: f32
) -> u32
Expand description

Performs a linear sweep through space with the body’s geometry objects, returning all overlaps.

Supported geometries are: box, sphere, capsule, convex. Other geometry types will be ignored.

This function sweeps all shapes attached to a given rigid body through space and reports all objects in the scene that intersect any of the shapes’ swept paths until there are no more objects to report or a blocking hit is encountered.

the number of touching hits. If overflow is set to true, the results are incomplete. In case of overflow there are also no guarantees that all touching hits returned are closer than the blocking hit.