physx-sys 0.8.2

Unsafe bindings for NVIDIA PhysX C++ SDK
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# 🎳 physx-sys

**Unsafe automatically-generated Rust bindings for [NVIDIA PhysX 4.1]( C++ API.**

![Build Status](
[![Contributor Covenant](](../


Please also see the [repository]( containing a work-in-progress safe wrapper.

## Presentation

[Tomasz Stachowiak]( did a presentation at the Stockholm Rust Meetup on October 2019 about this project that goes through the technical details of how C++ to Rust bindings of `physx-sys` works:

[![An unholy fusion of Rust and C++ in physx-rs (Stockholm Rust Meetup, October 2019)](](

## Basic usage

unsafe {
    let foundation = physx_create_foundation();
    let physics = physx_create_physics(foundation);

    let mut scene_desc = PxSceneDesc_new(PxPhysics_getTolerancesScale(physics));
    scene_desc.gravity = PxVec3 {
        x: 0.0,
        y: -9.81,
        z: 0.0,

    let dispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(2, null_mut());

    scene_desc.cpuDispatcher = dispatcher as *mut PxCpuDispatcher;
    scene_desc.filterShader = Some(PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader);

    let scene = PxPhysics_createScene_mut(physics, &scene_desc);

    // Your physics simulation goes here

## Examples

### [Ball]examples/

A simple example to showcase how to use physx-sys. It can be run with `cargo run --examples ball`.



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        o    o                         o    oo           oo
            o                           o  o               o    ooooooooo
         o                                o                 o oo         oooooooooo oo


## How it works

The binding is generated using a custom C++ app written against clang's [libtooling]( It queries the compiler's abstract syntax tree, and maps the C++ PhysX functions and types to Rust using heuristics chosen specifically for this SDK. It is not a general C++ <-> Rust binding generator, and using it on other projects *will* likely crash and burn.

Since C++ does not have a standardized and stable ABI, it's generally not safe to call it from Rust code; since PhysX exposes a C++ interface, we can't use it directly. That's why `physx-sys` generates both a Rust interface as well as a plain C wrapper. The C code is compiled into a static library at build time, and Rust then talks to C.

In order to minimize the amount of work required to marshall data between the C wrapper and the original C++ API, we generate a **bespoke C wrapper for each build target**. The wrapper is based on metadata about structure layout extracted directly from compiling and running a tiny program against the PhysX SDK using the specific C++ compiler used in the build process.

The build process comprises a few steps:

1. The `pxbind` utility uses `clang` to extract metadata about PhysX functions and types, and generates partial Rust and C bindings as `physx_generated.hpp` and ``. Those contain all function definitions, and a small subset of types. It also generates a C++ utility called `structgen` by emitting `structgen.cpp`.
2. `structgen` is compiled against the PhysX SDK, and generates all the remaining type wrappers. For each struct, it queries the size and offset of its members, and generates `structgen_out.hpp` and ``. The types are "plain old data" structs which will perfectly match the memory layout of the C++ types.
3. All the generated C types are compiled together to form `physx_api`, a static library for Rust to link with.
4. The Rust wrapper is compiled, and linked with PhysX and the C wrapper.

Steps *2..4* are performed completely automatically from within ``, while step *1* is only necessary when upgrading the PhysX SDK or modifying the generator. As such, building and running `pxbind` is a manual task, and is currently only supported on \*nix systems.

Since `pxbind` relies on unstable clang internals only specific clang/llvm versions are supported to build it. Currently supported versions are `llvm-14` and `libclang-14-dev`. You may find it working with other versions but it's not guarenteed.

## License

Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or <>)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or <>)

at your option.

Note that the [PhysX C++ SDK]( has its [own BSD 3 license]( and depends on [additional C++ third party libraries](

If you use [`cargo deny`](, you can use this clarification in your configuration, at least until [ supports parentheses](

name = "physx-sys"
expression = "(MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND BSD-3-Clause"
license-files = [{ path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xe326546e }]

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or