physx-sys 0.11.3

Unsafe bindings for NVIDIA PhysX C++ SDK
# `physx-sys` Changelog

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate
## [0.11.3] - 2023-07-07
### Fixed
- 0.11.2 release was broken (wrong case in path names).

## [0.11.2] - 2023-07-07
- [PR#201] Added `create_pre_and_post_raycast_filter_callback_func`, allowing custom pre and post filtering of query hits.

## [0.11.1] - 2023-04-18
### Fixed
- [PR#193] fixed an issue where `physx-sys` would be needlessly recompiled due to an incorrect filepath.

## [0.11.0] - 2023-03-03
### Changed
- [PR#191] resolved [#187] by replacing the deprecated `PxCooking` class with the non-deprecated free functions that implement the same functionality.
  - phys_PxCreateCooking -> **removed**
  - PxCooking_cookBVH -> phys_PxCookBVH
  - PxCooking_createBVH -> phys_PxCreateBVH
  - PxCooking_cookConvexMesh -> phys_PxCookConvexMesh
  - PxCooking_createConvexMesh -> phys_PxCreateConvexMesh
  - PxCooking_validateConvexMesh -> phys_PxValidateConvexMesh
  - PxCooking_cookHeightField -> phys_PxCookHeightField
  - PxCooking_cookTriangleMesh -> phys_PxCookTriangleMesh
  - PxCooking_createTriangleMesh -> phys_PxCreateTriangleMesh
  - PxCooking_validateTriangleMesh -> phys_PxValidateTriangleMesh
  - PxCooking* -> **removed**

### Removed
- [PR#191] removed the cooking functions for soft bodies and tetrahedron meshes, these are only used when targeting Cuda, which this crate explicitly doesn't support.

## [0.10.0] - 2023-03-03
### Changed
- [PR#183] resolved [#175] by upgrading from PhysX 4.1 to PhysX 5.1.3. See the [physx-sys] migration guide for more information for updating your code to work with this big breaking change.

## [0.8.2] - 2023-02-17
### Added
- [PR#181] add raycast, sweep and overlap buffer and callback create and delete methods, and update example to show how to use them for scene raycasting

### Fixed
- [PR#182] fixed a clippy lint that triggers in 1.66.0.

## [0.8.1] - 2022-11-22
### Fixed
- [PR#176] removed warnings as errors when building the C++ code. This is not useful for end users and just results in sadness when eg. using newer compiler versions that introduce new/improved warnings.

## [0.8.0] - 2022-10-20
- add new `create_assert_handler` function which uses the trampoline pattern to send asserts to Rust

## [0.7.0] - 2022-10-19

- add new `create_error_callback` which uses the trampoline pattern to send Physx logging to Rust

## [0.6.0] - 2022-10-03

- add new `create_profiler_callback` which uses the trampoline pattern to send profiling events to Rust.
- add new feature `profile` which will enable profiling in PhysX

## [0.5.0] - 2022-08-10

- [PR#157] Remove cmake support
- [PR#154] Add support for `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu`
- [PR#158] Update pre generated `aarch64-linux-android` files
  - `PxRepXObject` typename field changed from `*const u8` to `*const i8`
  - `PxDebugText` typename field changed from `*const u8` to `*const i8`
  - `PxProfileScoped` typename field changed from `*const u8` to `*const i8`
  - `PxVehicleGraphChannelDesc` typename field changed from `*mut u8` to `*mut i8`
- [PR#156] Update pre generated `aarch64-apple-darwin` files
  - Adds `PxSpatialVelocity` to the `PxArticulationRootLinkData` struct as `linkVelocity` and `linkAcceleration` fields.
- [PR#153] Update clang/llvm lib used by `pxbind` and update `x86_64-apple-darwin`, `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc`, `x86_64-unknown-linux` pre generated files.
  - Mostly an internal change but adds `PxSpatialVelocity` to the `PxArticulationRootLinkData` struct as `linkVelocity` and `linkAcceleration` fields.

## [0.4.16] - 2021-12-21
### Fixed

- [PR#142] added the license texts to the crate, and added a note in the README about how to clarify the licenses in cargo deny until supports parentheses in license expressions.
- [PR#144] fixed a few clang warnings about set but unused variables.

## [0.4.15] - 2021-08-22

### Changed

- [PR#140] updated to Embark lint v0.4, though we allow several clippy lints at the moment due to how endemic a few of them are.

### Fixed

- [PR#140] updated the C++ code to fix several `unused-but-set-variable` errors when compiling with clang-13.

## [0.4.14] - 2021-07-22

### Fixed

- [PR#138] silenced the `dtor-name`, `suggest-overrides`, and `suggest-override-destructor` warnings in the cmake build to silence warnings causing [build failures in clang-11+]

## [0.4.13] - 2021-05-03

### Fixed

- [PR#135] Update PhysX submodule with ARM64 buildfix for Xcode 14.5

## [0.4.12] - 2020-12-03

### Added

- [PR#123] Initial `aarch64-apple-darwin` support

## [0.4.11] - 2020-12-03

### Added

- [PR#198] Major refactor of
  the high-level `physx` crate exposed the following low-level calls:
  - `pub fn get_simulation_event_info(callback: *mut PxSimulationEventCallback,) -> *mut SimulationEventCallbackInfo;`
  - `pub fn get_alloc_callback_user_data(alloc_callback: *mut PxAllocatorCallback) -> *mut c_void;`

## [0.4.10] - 2020-10-20

### Added

- [PR#94] Allow overriding the PxAllocatorCallback with a pair of custom callback functions

## [0.4.9] - 2020-08-13

### Added

- [PR#80] New way to register simulation event callbacks, supporting all callback types this time.

## [0.4.8] - 2020-07-02

### Fixed

- [PR#77] Ignore potential PhysX C++ compile warnings

## [0.4.7] - 2020-07-02

### Fixed

- [PR#76] Use proper `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT` env var instead of `NDK_HOME`

## [0.4.6] - 2020-07-01

### Added

- [PR#73] Added `create_raycast_filter_callback_func`, allowing custom filtering of raycast hits

### Fixed

- [PR#74] Fix Android NDK toolchain path selection on Mac & Windows

## [0.4.4] - 2020-06-02

### Added

- [PR#66] Added support for android (`aarch64`) to the build system and to `pxbind`.

## [0.4.3] - 2020-05-27

### Fixed

- [PR#70] cleaned up some build script problems for Windows.

## [0.4.2] - 2020-05-25

### Fixed

- [PR#67] Reduce crate size from 10 MB to 2.7 MB by removing unused PhysX binary files

## [0.4.1] - 2020-05-07

### Fixed

- [PR#62] fixed C++ compile warnings/errors when compiling with clang 10.0.0.

## [0.4.0] - 2020-05-07

### Changed

- Use `SetThreadDescription` inside PhysX on Windows 10 to get worker thread names in profilers, instead of just the debugger.
- [PR#59] made `cmake` into an optional, non-default, dependency for building the C++ code, in favor of just using the `cc` crate. CMake can be enabled via the `use-cmake` feature.
- [PR#59] updated the fork of the PhysX repository to include various changes to the C++ code to allow it to be cross-compiled for Windows via clang from Linux or Mac.
- [PR#59] added a `structgen` feature flag, to make the creation of the C++ executable that generates the Rust bindings for the C++ code optional, as the generated code is now checked in and should only need to be updated when PhysX itself is updated.

## [0.3.0] - 2020-03-04

### Added

- Ability to not run the default filter shader before the callback.

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