phroxy 0.1.2

phroxy proxies gopher through HTTP

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      ___ (___  ___  ___ \  /
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     |__/ |  / |    |__/  /\   \_/
     |                   /  \   /
                        /    \

Welcome to phroxy, a bridge between the 
World Wide Web and the Gophersphere.

To visit a Gopher site, just type its
URL into the bar above this text, enter
a search term into the same bar, or just
click on one of the links below.

[1|Floodgap's Gopher Overview|/gopher|]
[7|Search Gopher|/v2/vs|]

[1|Gopher Lawn|/lawn|]
[1|Gopher Phlogs|/|]

[1|Gopher Clients|/gopher/clients|]
[h|Phroxy on GitHub|URL:]