photon-indexer 0.15.0

Solana indexer for general compression
# Photon

Solana indexer for general compression

## Installation

To install the photon indexer run:

cargo install photon-indexer

### Running Photon 

To run photon run:

# Against localnet

# Against devnet
photon --rpc-url=

# Using your local Postgres database instead of the default in in-memory SQLite db
photon --db-url=postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres

# Specifying a start slot. Defaults to 0 for localnet and current for devnet/mainnet
photon --start-slot=123 

# To see more configuration options
photon --help

### Database Management

We support both Postgres and SQLite as database backends. Photon uses a auto-configured SQLite
in-memory database by default. To specify another database backend run migrations and specify the
database url when running Photon.

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres" # Or your SQLlite database url
photon-migration up
photon --db-url=$DATABASE_URL

## Local Development

### Running Tests

To run tests, install and run Postgres and SQLlite locally. For MacOS users, we recommend using
Homebrew to run local Postgres:

Then export environment variables to configure your RPC and your test Postgres url. For SQLlite testing,
we always use an in-memory SQLlite database, so there is no need to configure a test url.

export TEST_DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres"

Additionally, for tests we use `swagger-cli` to validate our OpenAPI schemas. So please install it:
npm install -g @apidevtools/swagger-cli

Afterwards finishing setup simply run:
cargo test

Note that for both Postgres and SQLlite all migrations will run automatically during tests. So no
prior configuration is needed.

### Database Model Autogeneration

To generate database models first install sea-orm-cli:
cargo install sea-orm-cli --version 0.10.6

Then run:
sea-orm-cli generate entity -o src/dao/generated

### Documentation Generation

In order to update the OpenAPI schemas for the API please first install the `swagger-cli` through:

npm install -g @apidevtools/swagger-cli

Then run:
cargo run --bin=photon-openapi