phollaits 0.1.2

Here is a collection of traits that I use in my projects from time to time - feel free to use them in your projects as well.
version = "2"

version = "0.7"

version = "0.16"

version = "0.4"

bench = true
crate-type = ["lib"]
edition = "2018"
name = "phollaits"
path = "src/lib/"
test = true

authors = ["ph0llux <>"]
description = "Here is a collection of traits that I use in my projects from time to time -\nfeel free to use them in your projects as well.\n"
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
keywords = ["traits"]
license-file = "LICENSE"
name = "phollaits"
publish = true
repository = ""
version = "0.1.2"