philec 0.1.4

The Painless High-Level Persistence Engine
// The PHiLe Compiler
// Created by Arpad Goretity (H2CO3)
// on 07/04/2017

//! `philec` is the command-line driver for the PHiLe Compiler.
//! ## Basic usage:
//! `philec -d mongodb -l go -o src/dal -n dbwrapper src/User.phi src/Post.phi`
//! The absolute minimum of arguments to be provided are:
//! * `-d`, `--database`: the name of the database engine to use.
//!   Currently, it is one of:
//!   * `sqlite3`
//!   * `mongodb`
//!   * `mariadb`
//! * `-l`, `--language`: the programming language in which the
//!   generated Database Abstraction Layer will be emitted.
//!   Currently, it is one of:
//!   * `rust`
//!   * `c`
//!   * `cxx`
//!   * `objc`
//!   * `swift`
//!   * `go`
//!   * `js`
//!   * `python`
//!   * `ruby`
//!   * `java`
//!   * `csharp`
//!   * `haskell`
//! * At least one PHiLe source file, typically with extension `.phi`.
//! There are more command-line parameters, for greater flexibility:
//! * A namespace can be specified using the `-n` or `--namespace`
//!   argument. Different backends treat it differently, in a way that
//!   is most idiomatic and most useful for the programming language
//!   in question. For example, in Go, it will be used for naming the
//!   package. For this reason, this argument is mandatory for the Go
//!   backend.
//! * The output directory of PHiLe is the current directory, `.`, by
//!   default. This can be changed via the `-o` or `--outdir` option.
//! * By default, PHiLe generates a DAL that retrieves values using
//!   POD (Plain Old Data) objects. These are immutable and do not
//!   automatically reflect changes in the underlying database. If
//!   you wish to use the Active Record strategy instead, which will
//!   create "smart" objects which automatically synchronize with the
//!   underlying storage, then you can pass the `-a` or `--access`
//!   parameter. The supported values for this argument are:
//!   * `pod` for Plain Old Data,
//!   * `acr` for Active Record.
//! * Since the PHiLe DSL probably has different stylistic conventions
//!   from those of your programming language of choice (unless that
//!   language happens to be Rust), names of program entities, such
//!   as types, functions, and class fields, need to be rewritten
//!   when generating the actual DAL. PHiLe has built-in defaults that
//!   are the most idiomatic/correct/useful for each supported
//!   language, but for maximal flexibility, all of them can be
//!   overridden. The following command line options are available for
//!   this purpose:
//!   * `-t`, `--typexform`: applied to user-defined type names (`class`es, `struct`s and `enum`s).
//!   * `-e`, `--fieldxform`: applied to `struct` and `class` field names.
//!   * `-v`, `--varxform`: applied to `enum` variant names.
//!   * `-f`, `--funcxform`: applied to function names.
//!   * `-s`, `--nsxform`: applied to namespace names.
//!   Each of these parameters may take one of the following values:
//!   * `default`: the default transform for the language will be applied.
//!   * `identity`: the name will be copied verbatim into the generated code.
//!   * `lowsnake`: the name will be transformed to `lower_snake_case`.
//!   * `upsnake`: the name will be transformed to `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE`.
//!   * `lowcamel`: the name will be transformed to `lowerCamelCase`.
//!   * `upcamel`: the name will be transformed to `UpperCamelCase`.
//! ## Exit Status
//! The command-line compiler exits with status `0` if the compilation
//! succeeds. If the compilation fails, it exits with a non-zero status,
//! after having removed all generated temporary files.
//! # See Also
//! Depending on how you are willing to use PHiLe, you may be looking for…
//! * [The Tutorial]( This gets you
//!   started quickly and painlessly with writing schemas and queries in
//!   PHiLe's domain-specific language.
//! * [The Examples](
//!   Check out these code snippets if you learn easier by example.
//! * [The Reference](
//!   Search through this document if you are already familiar with the basics
//!   and you are now looking for the details of a specific feature.
//! * [API documentation]( for the `phile` library,
//!   useful when you want to embed PHiLe into your own Rust programs.

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![deny(missing_debug_implementations, missing_copy_implementations,
        trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts,
        unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications, missing_docs)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy",
            allow(match_same_arms, clone_on_ref_ptr))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy",
            deny(wrong_pub_self_convention, used_underscore_binding,
                 stutter, similar_names, pub_enum_variant_names,
                 non_ascii_literal, unicode_not_nfc,
                 /* result_unwrap_used, option_unwrap_used, */ // TODO(H2CO3): fix these
                 option_map_unwrap_or_else, option_map_unwrap_or, filter_map,
                 shadow_unrelated, shadow_reuse, shadow_same,
                 int_plus_one, string_add_assign, if_not_else,
                 cast_sign_loss, /* cast_precision_loss, */ // TODO(H2CO3): fix these
                 cast_possible_wrap, cast_possible_truncation,
                 mutex_integer, mut_mut, items_after_statements,
                 print_stdout, mem_forget, maybe_infinite_iter))]

extern crate clap;
extern crate phile;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::str;
use std::fs::{ self, File };
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io::{ self, stderr };
use std::io::prelude::*;
use phile::util::{ RcCell, Diagnostic, DiagnosticKind, PACKAGE_INFO };
use phile::lexer::*;
use phile::parser::*;
use phile::sqirgen::*;
use phile::sqiropt::*;
use phile::dalgen::*;
use phile::error::*;

struct ProgramArgs {
    codegen_params: CodegenParams,
    output_directory: String,
    outfile_prefix: String,
    migration_script: Option<String>,
    sources: Vec<String>,

// TODO(H2CO3): Rewrite this using `RcCell` once custom smart pointers
//              can point to trait objects, i.e. when `CoerceUnsized`
//              and `Unsize` are stabilized (see issue #27732).
struct FileWriterProvider {
    files: HashMap<PathBuf, Rc<RefCell<Write>>>,
    base_path: PathBuf,
    outfile_prefix: String,

impl FileWriterProvider {
    fn new(args: &ProgramArgs) -> Self {
        FileWriterProvider {
            files: Default::default(),
            base_path: PathBuf::from(&args.output_directory),
            outfile_prefix: args.outfile_prefix.clone(),

    fn writer_with_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<Rc<RefCell<Write>>> {
        let path = self.base_path.join(self.outfile_prefix.clone() + name);

        if let Some(rc) = self.files.get(&path) {
            return Ok(rc.clone())

        let file = File::create(&path)?;
        let rc: Rc<RefCell<Write>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(file));

        self.files.insert(path, rc.clone());


    fn remove_files(&self) {
        for path in self.files.keys() {
                |e| eprintln!("    Could not remove {}: {}", path.to_string_lossy(), e)

macro_rules! stopwatch {
    ($msg: expr, $code: expr) => ({
        eprint!("    {:.<40}", $msg);
        stderr().flush().expect("Could not flush stderr");
        let t0 = Instant::now();
        let val = $code;
        let t1 = Instant::now();
        let dt = t1 - t0;
        let secs = dt.as_secs() as f64 + f64::from(dt.subsec_nanos()) * 1e-9;
        let message = format!("{:6.1} ms", secs * 1e3);
        eprintln!("{}", Diagnostic::new(message, DiagnosticKind::Info));

// Parsing Command-Line Arguments

fn get_args() -> ProgramArgs {
    let args = clap_app!(philec =>
        (version: PACKAGE_INFO.version)
        (author:  PACKAGE_INFO.authors)
        (about:   PACKAGE_INFO.description)
        (@arg database:    -d --database   +takes_value +required "Database engine")
        (@arg language:    -l --language   +takes_value +required "Wrapping language")
        (@arg access:      -a --access     +takes_value           "Database access mode")
        (@arg namespace:   -n --namespace  +takes_value           "Namespace for types and methods")
        (@arg type_xform:  -t --typexform  +takes_value           "Type name transform")
        (@arg field_xform: -e --fieldxform +takes_value           "Struct field name transform")
        (@arg var_xform:   -v --varxform   +takes_value           "Enum variant name transform")
        (@arg func_xform:  -f --funcxform  +takes_value           "Function name transform")
        (@arg ns_xform:    -s --nsxform    +takes_value           "Namespace name transform")
        (@arg outdir:      -o --outdir     +takes_value           "Output directory")
        (@arg outprefix:   -p --outprefix  +takes_value           "Filename prefix for output files")
        (@arg migrate:     -m --migrate    +takes_value           "Script to use for schema migration")
        (@arg sources:     +multiple                    +required "One or more PHiLe files")

    let codegen_params = CodegenParams {
        database:               validate_database(args.value_of("database").unwrap()),
        language:               validate_language(args.value_of("language").unwrap()),
        database_access_mode:   validate_access(args.value_of("access")),
        namespace:              args.value_of("namespace").map(str::to_owned),
        type_name_transform:    validate_name_transform(args.value_of("type_xform")),
        field_name_transform:   validate_name_transform(args.value_of("field_xform")),
        variant_name_transform: validate_name_transform(args.value_of("var_xform")),
        func_name_transform:    validate_name_transform(args.value_of("func_xform")),
        namespace_transform:    validate_name_transform(args.value_of("ns_xform")),

    ProgramArgs {
        codegen_params:   codegen_params,
        output_directory: args.value_of("outdir").unwrap_or(".").to_owned(),
        outfile_prefix:   args.value_of("outprefix").unwrap_or("").to_owned(),
        migration_script: args.value_of("migrate").map(str::to_owned),
        sources:          args.values_of("sources").unwrap().map(str::to_owned).collect(),

fn validate_database(dbname: &str) -> DatabaseEngine {
    match dbname {
        "sqlite3" => DatabaseEngine::SQLite3,
        "mongodb" => DatabaseEngine::MongoDB,
        "mariadb" => DatabaseEngine::MariaDB,
        _         => handle_argument_error("database engine", dbname),

fn validate_language(langname: &str) -> Language {
    match langname {
        "rust"    => Language::Rust,
        "c"       => Language::C,
        "cxx"     => Language::CXX,
        "objc"    => Language::ObjectiveC,
        "swift"   => Language::Swift,
        "go"      => Language::Go,
        "js"      => Language::JavaScript,
        "python"  => Language::Python,
        "ruby"    => Language::Ruby,
        "java"    => Language::Java,
        "csharp"  => Language::CSharp,
        "haskell" => Language::Haskell,
        _         => handle_argument_error("language", langname),

fn validate_access(mode: Option<&str>) -> Option<DatabaseAccessMode> {|name| match name {
        "pod" => DatabaseAccessMode::Pod,
        "acr" => DatabaseAccessMode::ActiveRecord,
        _     => handle_argument_error("DB access mode", name),

fn validate_name_transform(transform: Option<&str>) -> Option<NameTransform> {
    transform.and_then(|name| match name {
        "default"  => None,
        "identity" => Some(NameTransform::Identity),
        "lowsnake" => Some(NameTransform::LowerSnakeCase),
        "upsnake"  => Some(NameTransform::UpperSnakeCase),
        "lowcamel" => Some(NameTransform::LowerCamelCase),
        "upcamel"  => Some(NameTransform::UpperCamelCase),
        _          => handle_argument_error("name transform", name),

// I/O

fn read_file(path: &str) -> io::Result<String> {
    let mut buf = String::new();
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    file.read_to_string(&mut buf)?;

fn read_files<P: AsRef<str>>(paths: &[P]) -> io::Result<Vec<String>> {
    paths.iter().map(|p| read_file(p.as_ref())).collect()

// Error Reporting

fn handle_argument_error(arg_name: &str, value: &str) -> ! {
        "    Invalid {}: '{}'\n\n",
        Diagnostic::new(value, DiagnosticKind::Error),

// Entry point

#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(let_unit_value))]
fn philec_main(args: &ProgramArgs, wp: &mut WriterProvider) -> Result<()> {
    let sources = stopwatch!("Reading Sources", {

    let tokens = stopwatch!("Lexing", {
        let mut tokens = lex(&sources)?;

        tokens.retain(|token| match token.kind {
            TokenKind::Whitespace => false,
            TokenKind::Comment    => false,
            _                     => true,


    let program = stopwatch!("Parsing", {

    let sqir = stopwatch!("Typechecking and generating SQIR", {

    let sqir = stopwatch!("Optimizing SQIR", {

    let result = stopwatch!("Generating Database Abstraction Layer", {
        generate_dal(&sqir, &args.codegen_params, wp)?


fn main() {
    eprintln!("    The PHiLe Compiler, version {}", PACKAGE_INFO.version);
    eprintln!("    Copyright (C) 2017, {}", PACKAGE_INFO.authors);

    let args = get_args();
    let wp0 = RcCell::new(FileWriterProvider::new(&args));
    let wp1 = wp0.clone();
    let result = philec_main(&args, &mut move |name| wp0.borrow_mut()?.writer_with_name(name));

    // Handle errors by printing them, removing partially-written files, then bailing out
    result.unwrap_or_else(|error| {
        error.pretty_print(&mut stderr(), &args.sources).unwrap();

    eprintln!("    {}", Diagnostic::new("Compilation Successful", DiagnosticKind::Success));