phile 0.1.4

The Painless High-Level Persistence Engine
// The PHiLe Compiler
// Created by Arpad Goretity (H2CO3)
// on 07/04/2017

//! This library provides the programmatic interface for the PHiLe Compiler
//! and Domain-Specific Language. The crate is composed of several modules,
//! each of which roughly corresponds to a single step in the compilation
//! pipeline:
//! * `lexer` performs lexical analysis and tokenization.
//! * `parser` performs higher-level syntactic analysis and outputs an…
//! * `ast`, an Abstract Syntax Tree.
//! * `sqirgen` takes the AST and typechecks it, then emits…
//! * `sqir`, the Schema and Query Intermediate Representation, PHiLe IR.
//! * `sqiropt` will take the raw SQIR and optimize it, so that it can be fed into…
//! * `dalgen`, which is the back-end that generates the actual DAL code.
//! * `util` contains miscellaneous helper types and functions.
//! * `error` contains type definitions for uniformly describing syntactic,
//!   semantic, and internal compiler errors.
//! Depending on how you are willing to use PHiLe, you may be looking for…
//! * [The Tutorial]( This gets you
//!   started quickly and painlessly with writing schemas and queries in
//!   PHiLe's domain-specific language.
//! * [The Examples](
//!   Check out these code snippets if you learn easier by example.
//! * [The Reference](
//!   Search through this document if you are already familiar with the basics
//!   and you are now looking for the details of a specific feature.
//! * [Manpage-style docs for `philec`](,
//!   if you want to deep dive into the invocation of the PHiLe CLI compiler.

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![deny(missing_debug_implementations, missing_copy_implementations,
        trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts,
        unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications, missing_docs)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy",
            allow(match_same_arms, clone_on_ref_ptr))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy",
            deny(wrong_pub_self_convention, used_underscore_binding,
                 stutter, similar_names, pub_enum_variant_names,
                 non_ascii_literal, unicode_not_nfc,
                 /* result_unwrap_used, option_unwrap_used, */ // TODO(H2CO3): fix these
                 option_map_unwrap_or_else, option_map_unwrap_or, filter_map,
                 shadow_unrelated, shadow_reuse, shadow_same,
                 int_plus_one, string_add_assign, if_not_else,
                 cast_sign_loss, cast_precision_loss,
                 cast_possible_wrap, cast_possible_truncation,
                 mutex_integer, mut_mut, items_after_statements,
                 print_stdout, mem_forget, maybe_infinite_iter))]

extern crate regex;
extern crate heck;
extern crate unicode_segmentation;

pub mod util;
pub mod error;
pub mod lexer;
pub mod ast;
pub mod parser;
pub mod sqir;
pub mod sqirgen;
pub mod sqiropt;
pub mod dalgen;