phat_js 0.3.0

Provide a function to call the JSDelegate in a phat contract cluster

A library for interacting with the contract phat-quickjs

The available JS APIs can be found here.

Script args and return value

The eval_* functions take a script as source code and args as input. It eval the source by delegate call to the code pointed to by driver JsDelegate2 and return the value of the js expression. The return value only lost-less supports string or Uint8Array. Ojbects of other types will be casted to string.


let src = r#"
(function () {
return scriptArgs[0] + scriptArgs[1];
let output = phat_js::eval(src, &["foo".into(), "bar".into()]);
assert_eq!(output, Ok(phat_js::Output::String("foobar".into())));

JS API examples

Cross-contract call

// Delegate calling
const delegateOutput = pink.invokeContractDelegate({
selector: 0xdeadbeef,
input: "0x00",

// Instance calling
const contractOutput = pink.invokeContract({
callee: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
input: "0x00",
selector: 0xdeadbeef,
gasLimit: 0n,
value: 0n,

This is the low-level API for cross-contract call. If you have the contract metadata file, there is a script helps to generate the high-level API for cross-contract call. For example run the following command:

python --keep System::version /path/to/system.contract

would generate the following code:

function invokeContract(callee, selector, args, metadata, registry) {
const inputCodec = pink.SCALE.codec(metadata.inputs, registry);
const outputCodec = pink.SCALE.codec(metadata.output, registry);
const input = inputCodec.encode(args ?? []);
const output = pink.invokeContract({ callee, selector, input });
return outputCodec.decode(output);
class System {
constructor(address) {
this.typeRegistryRaw = '#u16\n(0,0,0)\n<CouldNotReadInput::1>\n<Ok:1,Err:2>'
this.typeRegistry = pink.SCALE.parseTypes(this.typeRegistryRaw);
this.address = address;

system$Version() {
const io = {"inputs": [], "output": 3};
return invokeContract(this.address, 2278132365, [], io, this.typeRegistry);

Then you can use the high-level API to call the contract:

const system = new System(systemAddress);
const version = system.system$Version();
console.log("version:", version);

HTTP request

HTTP request is supported in the JS environment. However, the API is sync rather than async. This is different from other JavaScript engines. For example:

const response = pink.httpReqeust({
url: "",
method: "GET",
returnTextBody: true,

SCALE codec

Let's introduce the details of the SCALE codec API which is not documented in the above link.

The SCALE codec API is mounted on the global object pink.SCALE which contains the following functions:

  • pink.SCALE.parseTypes(types: string): TypeRegistry
  • pink.SCALE.codec(type: string | number | number[], typeRegistry?: TypeRegistry): Codec

Let's make a basice example to show how to use the SCALE codec API:

const types = `
const typeRegistry = pink.SCALE.parseTypes(types);
const infoCodec = pink.SCALE.codec(`Info`, typeRegistry);
const encoded = infoCodec.encode({
hash: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234",
size: 1234,
console.log("encoded:", encoded);
const decoded = infoCodec.decode(encoded);
pink.inspect("decoded:", decoded);

The above code will output:

JS: encoded: 18,52,86,120,144,18,52,86,120,144,18,52,86,120,144,18,52,86,120,144,18,52,86,120,144,18,52,86,120,144,18,52,210,4,0,0
JS: decoded: {
JS: hash: 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234,
JS: size: 1234
JS: }

Or using the direct encode/decode api which support literal type definition as well as a typename or id, for example:

const data = { name: "Alice", age: 18 };
const encoded = pink.SCALE.encode(data, "{ name: str, age: u8 }");
const decoded = pink.SCALE.decode(encoded, "{ name: str, age: u8 }");

Grammar of the type definition

Basic grammar

In the above example, we use the following type definition:


where we define a type Hash which is an array of 32 bytes, and a type Info which is a struct containing a Hash and a u32.

The grammar is defined as follows:

Each entry is type definition, which is of the form name=type. Where name must be a valid identifier, and type is a valid type expression described below.

Type expression can be one of the following:

Type Expression Description Example JS type
bool Primitive type bool true, false
u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128 Primitive number types number or bigint
str Primitive type str string
[type;size] Array type with element type type and size size. [u8; 32] Array of elements. (Uint8Array or 0x prefixed hex string is allowed for [u8; N])
[type] Sequence type with element type type. [u8] Array of elements. (Uint8Array or 0x prefixed hex string is allowed for [u8])
(type1, type2, ...) Tuple type with elements of type type1, type2, ... (u8, str) Array of value for inner type. (e.g. [42, 'foobar'])
{field1:type1, field2:type2, ...} Struct type with fields and types. {age:u32, name:str} Object with field name as key
<variant1:type1, variant2:type2, ...> Enum type with variants and types. if the variant is a unit variant, then the type expression can be omitted. <Success:i32, Error:str>, <None,Some:u32> Object with variant name as key. (e.g. {Some: 42})
@type Compact number types. Only unsigned number types is supported @u64 number or bigint

Generic type support

Generic parameters can be added to the type definition, for example:


Option type

The Option type is not a special type, but a vanilla enum type. It is needed to be defined by the user explicitly. Same for the Result type.


There is one special syntax for the Option type:


If the Option type is defined in this way, then the None variant would be decoded as null instead of {None: null} and the Some variant would be decoded as the inner value directly instead of {Some: innerValue}. For example:

const encoded = pink.SCALE.encode(42, "<_None,_Some:u32>");
const decoded = pink.SCALE.decode(encoded, "<_None,_Some:u32>");
console.log(decoded); // 42

Nested type definition

Type definition can be nested, for example:


Error handling

Host calls would throw an exception if any error is encountered. For example, if we pass an invalid method to the API:

try {
const response = pink.httpReqeust({
url: "",
method: 42,
returnTextBody: true,
} catch (err) {
console.log("Some error ocurred:", err);