pharos 0.5.2

Observer pattern which generates a futures 0.3 stream of events
use crate::{ import::* };

/// The error type for errors happening in `pharos`.
/// Use [`PharErr::kind()`] to know which kind of error happened.
#[ derive( Debug ) ]
pub struct PharErr
	pub(crate) inner: Option< Box<dyn ErrorTrait + Send + Sync> >,
	pub(crate) kind : ErrorKind,

impl PharErr
	/// Identify which error happened.
	pub fn kind( &self ) -> &ErrorKind

impl From<ErrorKind> for PharErr
	fn from( kind: ErrorKind ) -> Self
		Self { inner: None, kind }

impl From<FutSendError> for PharErr
	fn from( inner: FutSendError ) -> Self
		Self { inner: Some( Box::new( inner ) ), kind: ErrorKind::SendError }

/// The different kind of errors that can happen when you use the `pharos` API.
#[ non_exhaustive ]
#[ derive( Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq ) ]
pub enum ErrorKind
	#[ doc( hidden ) ]
	//This variant is only used internally.

	/// The pharos object is already closed. You can no longer send messages or observe it.
	/// This should only happen if you call [SinkExt::close]( on it.

	/// The minimum valid buffer size for [`Channel::Bounded`](crate::observable::Channel) is `1`, you sent in `0`.

impl PartialEq<&ErrorKind> for ErrorKind
	fn eq( &self, other: &&ErrorKind ) -> bool
		self == *other

impl PartialEq<ErrorKind> for &ErrorKind
	fn eq( &self, other: &ErrorKind ) -> bool
		*self == other

impl ErrorTrait for PharErr
	fn source( &self ) -> Option< &(dyn ErrorTrait + 'static) >
		// Somehow using as_deref gives us thread bound problems...
		#[ allow( clippy::option_as_ref_deref ) ]
		self.inner.as_ref().map( |e| -> &(dyn ErrorTrait + 'static) { e.deref() } )

impl fmt::Display for ErrorKind
	fn fmt( &self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_> ) -> fmt::Result
		match self
			Self::SendError         => fmt::Display::fmt( "Channel closed.", f ) ,
			Self::MinChannelSizeOne => fmt::Display::fmt( "The minimum valid buffer size for Channel::Bounded is 1, you send in 0.", f ) ,

			_ => unreachable!(),

impl fmt::Display for PharErr
	fn fmt( &self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_> ) -> fmt::Result
		let inner = match self.source()
			Some(e) => format!( " Caused by: {}", e ),
			None    => String::new()                 ,

		write!( f, "pharos::PharErr: {}{}", self.kind, inner )