petal-decomposition 0.6.2

Matrix decomposition algorithms including PCA (principal component analysis) and ICA (independent component analysis)
//! petal-decomposition provides matrix decomposition algorithms including PCA
//! (principal component analysis) and ICA (independent component analysis).

#[cfg(any(feature = "intel-mkl-static", feature = "intel-mkl-system"))]
extern crate intel_mkl_src as _src;

#[cfg(any(feature = "netlib_static", feature = "netlib-system"))]
extern crate netlib_src as _src;

#[cfg(any(feature = "openblas-static", feature = "openblas-system"))]
extern crate openblas_src as _src;

mod ica;
mod linalg;
mod pca;

pub use ica::{FastIca, FastIcaBuilder};
pub use pca::{Pca, PcaBuilder, RandomizedPca, RandomizedPcaBuilder};
use thiserror::Error;

/// The error type for PCA operations.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum DecompositionError {
    #[error("invalid matrix: {0}")]
    #[error("linear algerba operation failed: {0}")]