persil 0.1.3

Persil is a minimal and simple profiling library based on measureme.
//! # Persil
//! ## About
//! Persil is a minimal and simple library for profiling events.
//! It's based on rust's [measureme]( and
//! is just a simple, but powerful layer ontop of `measureme`.
//! ## Getting Started
//! ### Prerequisites
//! - Rust (I don't have any minimun required rust version, just try one of the latest)
//! - Tools for reading the serialized data. (See [here](
//! - Obviously an application that you want to profile.
//! ### Installing
//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`
//! ```ignore
//! [dependencies]
//! persil = "0.1.0"
//! ```
//! If you have [cargo-edit]( installed
//! ```ignore
//! cargo add persil
//! ```
//! ## Usage
//! See [examples]( for usage.
//! **Analyze the results**
//! To analye and display the results, you can use one of the tools in the [measureme repo](
//! For example to use `summarize`, just do:
//! ```sh
//! # if you changed the path to the results, use the new path
//! summarize trace/my_application
//! ```
//! For more information checkout the [measureme]( repository.

mod profiler;

pub use profiler::*;