perseus 0.4.0-beta.17

A lightning-fast frontend web dev platform with full support for SSR and SSG.
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use fmterr::fmt_err;
use futures::{
    future::{try_join_all, BoxFuture},
use serde_json::Value;
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, rc::Rc};
use sycamore::web::SsrNode;

use super::Turbine;
use crate::{
    router::{match_route, FullRouteVerdict},
use crate::{
    i18n::{TranslationsManager, Translator},
    internal::{PageData, PageDataPartial},
use crate::{
    state::{TemplateState, UnknownStateType},

/// This is `PageDataPartial`, but it keeps the state as `TemplateState` for
/// internal convenience.
struct StateAndHead {
    state: TemplateState,
    head: String,

impl<M: MutableStore, T: TranslationsManager> Turbine<M, T> {
    /// Gets the state for the given path. This will render the head, but it
    /// will *not* render the contents, and, as a result, will not engage
    /// with any dependencies this page/widget may have. If this is used to
    /// get the state of a capsule, the head will of course be empty.
    /// This assumes the given locale is actually supported.
    pub async fn get_state_for_path(
        path: PathWithoutLocale,
        locale: String,
        entity_name: &str,
        was_incremental: bool,
        req: Request,
    ) -> Result<PageDataPartial, ServerError> {
        let translator = self
        let StateAndHead { state, head } = self
                false, /* This is not an initial load (so the browser will need a little `Ok` in
                        * the `Value`) */

        Ok(PageDataPartial {
            state: state.state,
    /// Gets the full page data for the given path. This will generate the
    /// state, render the head, and render the content of the page,
    /// resolving all widget dependencies.
    /// This takes a translator to allow the caller to derive it in a way that
    /// respects the likely need to know the translations string as well,
    /// for error page interpolation.
    /// Like `.get_state_for_path()`, this returns the page data and the global
    /// state in a tuple.
    /// # Pitfalls
    /// This currently uses a layer-based dependency resolution algorithm, as a
    /// widget may itself have widgets. However, the widgets a page/widget
    /// uses may be dependent on its state, and therefore we cannot enumerate
    /// the entire dependency tree without knowing all the states involved.
    /// Therefore, we go layer-by-layer. Currently, we wait for each layer
    /// to be fully complete before proceeding to the next one, which leads to
    /// a layer taking as long as the longest state generation within it. This
    /// can lead to poor render times when widgets are highly nested, a
    /// pattern that should be avoided as much as possible.
    /// In future, this will build with maximal parallelism by not waiting for
    /// each layer to be finished building before proceeding to the next
    /// one.
    pub async fn get_initial_load_for_path(
        path: PathWithoutLocale,
        translator: &Translator,
        template: &Entity<SsrNode>,
        was_incremental: bool,
        req: Request,
    ) -> Result<(PageData, TemplateState), ServerError> {
        let locale = translator.get_locale();
        // Get the latest global state, which we'll share around
        let global_state = self
            .get_full_global_state_for_locale(&locale, clone_req(&req))
        // Begin by generating the state for this page
        let page_state = self
                true, // This is an initial load

        let path = PathWithoutLocale(path.strip_suffix('/').unwrap_or(&*path).to_string());
        // Yes, this is created twice; no, we don't care
        // If we're interacting with the stores, this is the path this page/widget will
        // be under
        let path_encoded = format!("{}-{}", locale, urlencoding::encode(&path));

        // The page state generation process will have updated any prerendered fragments
        // of this page, which means they're guaranteed to be up-to-date.
        // Importantly, if any of the dependencies weren't build-safe, or if the page
        // uses request-state (which means, as explained above, we don't
        // actually know what the dependencies are yet, let alone if they're
        // build-safe), this fragment won't exist. Basically, if it exists, we
        // can return it straight away with no extra work. Otherwise, we'll have to do a
        // layer-by-layer render, which can handle non-build-safe dependencies.
        // We call this a 'fragment' because it's not a complete HTML shell etc. (TODO?)
        let prerendered_fragment_res = if template.revalidates() {
                .read(&format!("static/{}.html", &path_encoded))
        } else {
                .read(&format!("static/{}.html", &path_encoded))
        // Propagate any errors, but if the asset wasn't found, then record that as
        // `None`
        let prerendered_fragment = match prerendered_fragment_res {
            Ok(fragment) => Some(fragment),
            Err(StoreError::NotFound { .. }) => None,
            Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),

        if let Some(prerendered_fragment) = prerendered_fragment {
            // If there was a prerendered fragment, there will also be a record of the
            // widget states we need to send to the client
            let widget_states = if template.revalidates() {
                    .read(&format!("static/{}.widgets.json", &path_encoded))
            } else {
                    .read(&format!("static/{}.widgets.json", &path_encoded))
            // From the build process, these are infallible
            let widget_states = match serde_json::from_str::<
                HashMap<PathMaybeWithLocale, (String, Value)>,
                Ok(widget_states) => widget_states,
                Err(err) => return Err(ServerError::InvalidPageState { source: err }),
                PageData {
                    content: prerendered_fragment,
                    head: page_state.head,
                    state: page_state.state.state,
                    widget_states: widget_states
                        // Discard the capsule names and create results (to match with the
                        // possibility of request-time failure)
                        .map(|(k, (_, v))| (k, Ok(v)))
        } else {
            // This will block
            let (final_widget_states, prerendered) = self
                    HashMap::new(), // This starts empty
            // Convert the `TemplateState`s into `Value`s
            let final_widget_states = final_widget_states
                // We need to turn `TemplateState` into its underlying `Value`
                .map(|(k, res)| (k,|s| s.state)))
                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

                PageData {
                    content: prerendered,
                    head: page_state.head,
                    state: page_state.state.state,
                    widget_states: final_widget_states,
    /// Recurses through each layer of dependencies and eventually renders the
    /// given page.
    /// This returns a tuple of widget states and the prerendered result.
    /// This is deliberately synchronous to avoid making `Self` `Sync`, which is
    /// impossible with Perseus' current design. Thus, this blocks when
    /// resolving each layer.
    fn render_all<'a>(
        &'a self,
        // This is a map of widget paths to their states, which we'll populate as
        // we go through. That way, we can just run the exact same render over and over
        // again, getting to a new layer each time, since, if a widget finds its state in
        // this, it'll use it. This will be progressively accumulated over many layers.
        widget_states: HashMap<PathMaybeWithLocale, Result<TemplateState, ServerErrorData>>,
        path: PathWithoutLocale,
        locale: String,
        state: TemplateState,
        entity: &'a Entity<SsrNode>, // Recursion could make this either a template or a capsule
        global_state: TemplateState,
        req: &'a Request,
        translator: &'a Translator,
    ) -> Result<
                    HashMap<PathMaybeWithLocale, Result<TemplateState, ServerErrorData>>,
    > {
        // Misleadingly, this only has the locale if we're using i18n!
        let full_path = PathMaybeWithLocale::new(&path, &locale);

        // We put this in an `Rc` so it can be put in the context and given to multiple
        // widgets, but it will never be changed (we could have a lot of states
        // here, so we want to minimize cloning where possible)
        let widget_states_rc = Rc::new(widget_states);
        // This will be used to store the paths of widgets that haven't yet been
        // resolved. It will be cleared between layers.
        let unresolved_widget_accumulator = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new()));
        // Now we want to render the page in the dependency resolution mode (as opposed
        // to the build mode, which just cancels the render if it finds any
        // non-build-safe widgets).
        let mode = RenderMode::Request {
            widget_states: widget_states_rc.clone(),
            error_views: self.error_views.clone(),
            unresolved_widget_accumulator: unresolved_widget_accumulator.clone(),

        // Start the first render. This registers all our mode stuff on `cx`,
        // which is dropped when this is done. So, we can safely get the widget states
        // back.
        // Now prerender the actual content (a bit roundabout for error handling)
        let prerendered = ssr_fallible(|cx| {
        // // As explained above, this should never fail, because all references have
        // been // dropped
        // let mut widget_states = Rc::try_unwrap(widget_states_rc).unwrap();
        // TODO Avoid cloning here...
        let mut widget_states = (*widget_states_rc).clone();

        // We'll just have accumulated a ton of unresolved widgets, probably. If not,
        // then we're done! If yes, we'll need to build all their states.
        // TODO ...and here
        let mut accumulator = (*unresolved_widget_accumulator).clone().into_inner();

        let fut = async move {
            if accumulator.is_empty() {
                Ok((widget_states, prerendered))
            } else {
                // First, deduplicate (relevant if the same widget is used more than once). We
                // don't care about unstable sorting because these are strings.

                let mut futs = Vec::new();
                for widget_path in accumulator.into_iter() {
                    let global_state = global_state.clone();
                    let locale = locale.clone();
                    futs.push(async move {
                        // Resolve the route
                        // Get a route verdict to determine the capsule this widget path maps to
                        let localized_widget_path = PathMaybeWithLocale::new(&widget_path, &locale);
                        let path_slice = get_path_slice(&localized_widget_path);
                        let verdict = match_route(

                        let res = match verdict.into_full(&self.entities) {
                            FullRouteVerdict::Found(route_info) => {
                                let capsule_name = route_info.entity.get_path();

                                // Now build the state; if this fails, we won't fail the whole
                                // page, we'll just load an error for this particular widget
                                // (allowing the user to still see the rest of the page). If this
                                // sort of thing were to happen in a subsequent load, the browser
                                // would be responsible for this.
                                    // We do happen to actually have this from the routing
                                    true, /* This is an initial load, so don't put an `Ok` in
                                           * the `Value` */
                                // The error handling systems will need a client-style error,
                                // so we just make the same conversion that would be made on
                                // the browser-side
                                .map_err(|err| ServerErrorData {
                                    status: err_to_status_code(&err),
                                    msg: fmt_err(&err),
                                // And discard the head (it's a widget)
                                .map(|state| state.state)
                            // This is just completely wrong, and implies a corruption, so it's made
                            // a page-level error
                            FullRouteVerdict::LocaleDetection(_) => {
                                return Err(ServerError::ResolveDepLocaleRedirection {
                                    locale: locale.to_string(),
                                    widget: widget_path.to_string(),
                            // But a widget that isn't found will be made a widget-only error
                            FullRouteVerdict::NotFound { .. } => {
                                let err = ServerError::ResolveDepNotFound {
                                    locale: locale.to_string(),
                                    widget: widget_path.to_string(),
                                Err(ServerErrorData {
                                    status: err_to_status_code(&err),
                                    msg: fmt_err(&err),

                        // Return the tuples that'll go into `widget_states`
                        Ok((localized_widget_path, res))
                let tuples = try_join_all(futs).await?;

                // We've rendered this layer, and we're ready for the next one

    /// The internal version allows sharing a global state so we don't
    /// constantly regenerate it in recursion.
    /// This assumes the given locale is supported.
    async fn get_state_for_path_internal(
        path: PathWithoutLocale, /* This must not contain the locale, but it *will* contain the
                                  * entity name */
        translator: &Translator,
        entity_name: &str,
        was_incremental: bool,
        req: Request,
        // If these are `None`, we'll generate them
        entity: Option<&Entity<SsrNode>>, // Not for recursion, just convenience
        global_state: Option<TemplateState>,
        is_initial: bool,
    ) -> Result<StateAndHead, ServerError> {
        let locale = translator.get_locale();
        // This could be very different from the build-time global state
        let global_state = match global_state {
            Some(global_state) => global_state,
            None => {
                self.get_full_global_state_for_locale(&locale, clone_req(&req))

        let entity = match entity {
            Some(entity) => entity,
            None => self
                .ok_or(ServeError::PageNotFound {
                    path: path.to_string(),

        let path = PathWithoutLocale(path.strip_suffix('/').unwrap_or(&*path).to_string());
        // If we're interacting with the stores, this is the path this page/widget will
        // be under
        let path_encoded = format!("{}-{}", locale, urlencoding::encode(&path));

        // Any work we do with the build logic will expect the path without the template
        // name, so we need to strip it (this could only fail if we'd mismatched
        // the path to the entity name, which would be either a malformed
        // request or a *critical* Perseus routing bug)
        let pure_path = path
        let pure_path = pure_path.strip_prefix('/').unwrap_or(pure_path);
        let pure_path = PurePath(pure_path.to_string());

        // If the entity is basic (i.e. has no state), bail early
        if entity.is_basic() {
            // Get the head (since this is basic, it has no state, and therefore
            // this would've been written at build-time)
            let head = if entity.is_capsule {
            } else {
                    .read(&format!("static/{}.head.html", &path_encoded))

            return Ok(StateAndHead {
                // No, this state is never written anywhere at build-time
                state: TemplateState::empty(),

        // No matter what we end up doing, we're probably going to need this (which will
        // always exist)
        let build_extra = match self
            Ok(state) => {
                TemplateState::from_str(&state).map_err(|err| ServerError::InvalidBuildExtra {
                    template_name: entity.get_path(),
                    source: err,
            // If this happens, then the immutable store has been tampered with, since
            // the build logic generates some kind of state for everything
            Err(_) => {
                return Err(ServerError::MissingBuildExtra {
                    template_name: entity.get_path(),
        // We'll need this too for any sort of state generation
        let build_info = StateGeneratorInfo {
            path: path.to_string(),
            locale: locale.to_string(),
            extra: build_extra.clone(),

        // The aim of this next block is purely to ensure that whatever is in the
        // im/mutable store is the latest and most valid version of the build
        // state, if we're even using build state.
        // Note that `was_incremental_match` will not be `true` for pages built
        // with build paths, even if the template uses incremental generation. Thus,
        // if it is `true`, we use the mutable store.
        // If incremental and generated and not revalidating; get from *mutable*.
        // If incremental and not generated; generate.
        // If incremental and generated and revalidating; either get from mutable or
        // revalidate.
        // If not incremental and revalidating; either get from
        // mutable or revalidate.
        // If not incremental and not revalidating; get
        // from immutable.
        if was_incremental {
            // If we have something in the mutable store, then this has already been
            // generated
            let res = self
                .read(&format!("static/{}.json", &path_encoded))
            // Propagate any errors, but if the asset wasn't found, then record that as
            // `None`
            let built_state = match res {
                Ok(built_state) => Some(built_state),
                Err(StoreError::NotFound { .. }) => None,
                Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),

            if built_state.is_some() {
                // This has been generated already, so we need to check for the possibility of
                // revalidation
                let should_revalidate = self
                if should_revalidate {
                    // We need to rebuild, which we can do with the build-time logic (which will use
                    // the mutable store)
                } else {
                    // We don't need to revalidate, so whatever is in the
                    // mutable store is valid
            } else {
                // This is a new page, we need to actually generate it (which will handle any
                // revalidation timestamps etc.). For this, we can use the usual
                // build state logic, which will perform a full render, unless the
                // dependencies aren't build-safe. Of course, we can guarantee if we're actually
                // generating it now that it won't be revalidating.
                // We can provide the most up-to-date global state to this.
                    // This makes sure we use the mutable store no matter what (incremental)
        } else {
            let should_revalidate = self
            if should_revalidate {
                // We need to rebuild, which we can do with the build-time logic
            } else {
                // We don't need to revalidate, so whatever is in the immutable
                // store is valid

        // Whatever is in the im/mutable store is now valid and up-to-date, so fetch it
        let build_state = if entity.uses_build_state() {
            let state_str = if was_incremental || entity.revalidates() {
                    .read(&format!("static/{}.json", &path_encoded))
            } else {
                    .read(&format!("static/{}.json", &path_encoded))
                .map_err(|err| ServerError::InvalidPageState { source: err })?
        } else {

        // Now get the request state if we're using it (of course, this must be
        // re-generated for every request)
        let request_state = if entity.uses_request_state() {
                .get_request_state(build_info.clone(), clone_req(&req))
        } else {

        // Now handle the possibility of amalgamation
        let states = States {
        let final_state = if states.both_defined() && entity.can_amalgamate_states() {
                .amalgamate_states(build_info, states.build_state, states.request_state)
        } else if states.both_defined() && !entity.can_amalgamate_states() {
            // We have both states, but can't amalgamate, so prioritze request state, as
            // it's more personalized and more recent
        } else {
            // This only errors if both are defined, and we just checked that

        // We now need to render the head. Whatever is on the im/mutable store is the
        // most up-to-date, and that won't have been written if we have an
        // entity that uses request state (since it would always be invalid).
        // Therefore, if we don't use request state, it'll be in the appropriate store,
        // otherwise we'll need to render it ourselves. Of course, capsules
        // don't have heads.
        let head_str = if !entity.is_capsule {
            if entity.uses_request_state() {
                entity.render_head_str(final_state.clone(), global_state.clone(), translator)?
            } else {
                // The im/mutable store was updated by the last whole block (since any
                // incremental generation or revalidation would have re-written
                // the head if request state isn't being used)
                if was_incremental || entity.revalidates() {
                        .read(&format!("static/{}.head.html", &path_encoded))
                } else {
                        .read(&format!("static/{}.head.html", &path_encoded))
        } else {

        // On the browser-side, widgets states will always be parsed as fallible, so, if
        // this is from a capsule, we'll wrap it in `Ok` (working around this on
        // the browser-side is more complex than a simple fix here) --- note
        // that the kinds of `Err` variants on widget states that can be caused
        // in the initial load process would just be returned directly as errors
        // earlier from here (and would be accordingly handled on the browser-side).
        // We should only do this on subsequent loads (initial loads do error handling
        // more normally).
        let final_state = if entity.is_capsule && !is_initial {
            let val = final_state.state;
            let ok_val = serde_json::to_value(Ok::<Value, ()>(val)).unwrap();
        } else {

        Ok(StateAndHead {
            state: final_state,
            head: head_str,

    /// Checks timestamps and runs user-provided logic to determine if the given
    /// widget/path should revalidate at the present time.
    async fn page_or_widget_should_revalidate(
        path_encoded: &str,
        entity: &Entity<SsrNode>,
        build_info: StateGeneratorInfo<UnknownStateType>,
        req: Request,
    ) -> Result<bool, ServerError> {
        let mut should_revalidate = false;
        // If it revalidates after a certain period of time, we need to check that
        // BEFORE the custom logic (clearly documented)
        if entity.revalidates_with_time() {
            // Get the time when it should revalidate (RFC 3339)
            // This will be updated, so it's in a mutable store
            let datetime_to_revalidate_str = self
                .read(&format!("static/{}.revld.txt", path_encoded))
            let datetime_to_revalidate = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&datetime_to_revalidate_str)
                .map_err(|err| {
                    ServerError::ServeError(ServeError::BadRevalidate { source: err })
            // Get the current time (UTC)
            let now = Utc::now();

            // If the datetime to revalidate is still in the future, end with `false` (the
            // custom logic is only executed if the time-based one passes)
            if datetime_to_revalidate > now {
                return Ok(false);
            should_revalidate = true;

        // Now run the user's custom revalidation logic
        if entity.revalidates_with_logic() {
            should_revalidate = entity.should_revalidate(build_info, req).await?;
    /// Gets the full global state from the state generated at build-time and
    /// the generator itself. This assumes that the provided locale is
    /// supported.
    /// This should only be called once per API call.
    async fn get_full_global_state_for_locale(
        locale: &str,
        req: Request,
    ) -> Result<TemplateState, ServerError> {
        let gsc = &self.global_state_creator;
        // We know the locale is supported
        let built_state = self.global_states_by_locale.get(locale).unwrap();

        let global_state = if gsc.uses_request_state() {
            let req_state = gsc.get_request_state(locale.to_string(), req).await?;
            // If we have a non-empty build-time state, we'll need to amalgamate
            if !built_state.is_empty() {
                if gsc.can_amalgamate_states() {
                    gsc.amalgamate_states(locale.to_string(), built_state.clone(), req_state)
                } else {
                    // No amalgamation capability, request time state takes priority
            } else {
        } else {
            // This global state is purely generated at build-time (or nonexistent)


/// Clones a `Request` from its internal parts.
fn clone_req(raw: &Request) -> Request {
    let mut builder = Request::builder();

    for (name, val) in raw.headers() {
        builder = builder.header(name, val);

        // We always use an empty body because, in a Perseus request, only the URI matters
        // Any custom data should therefore be sent in headers (if you're doing that, consider a
        // dedicated API)
        .unwrap() // This should never fail...