peroxide 0.12.2

Rust numeric library contains linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics and machine learning tools with R, MATLAB, Python like macros

## 2019.06.24

- [ ] Implement various pdf
    - [x] Bernoulli
    - [x] Beta
    - [ ] Dirichlet
    - [x] Gamma
    - [ ] Student's t
    - [ ] Wishart
- [ ] Implement special polynomial
    - [ ] Legendre
    - [ ] Bessel
    - [ ] Hermite
- [ ] Implement DataFrame
- [ ] Implement Plot
- [ ] Determine main API
- [ ] Implement convenient structure of Neural Network
- [ ] Complete Gitbook
    - [x] Vector
    - [x] Matrix
    - [x] Linear Algebra
    - [x] Functional Programming
    - [x] Statistics
    - [ ] Interpolation & Spline
    - [ ] ODE
    - [ ] Macros
    - [ ] Machine Learning
- [ ] Export distributions using Pickle
- [ ] Fill `ExtraOps` for `HyperDual`
- [ ] Re-write `numerical` module
- [ ] Optimize
    - [ ] Linear Regression
    - [ ] Non-linear Regression
        - [ ] Gauss-Newton
        - [ ] Gradient Descent
        - [ ] Levenberg-Marquardt

## Complete

- [x] Can choose API - MATLAB, Python, R