Crate permutator

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This crate provide generic cartesian product iterator, combination iterator, and permutation iterator.

Three main functionalities

  • Cartesian product
  • Combination
  • Permutation

Two different style on every functionality

This crate provide two implementation style

  • Iterator style
  • Callback function style

Easy share result

  • Every function can take Rc<RefCell<>> to store result.
  • An iterator that return owned value.
  • Every callback style function can take Arc<RwLock<>> to store result.

Easy usage

Two built-in traits that add combination and permutation functionality to both Vec and slice.

Unreach raw performance with unsafe

Every callback style function can take raw mutable pointer to store result.


  • Getting k-permutation where k is 3 and n is 5.
use permutator::{Combination, Permutation};
let mut data = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let mut counter = 1;
data.combination(3).for_each(|mut c| {
    c.permutation().for_each(|p| {
        println!("k-permutation@{}={:?}", counter, p);
        counter += 1;
  • Cartesian product of set of 3, 4, and 5 respectively
use permutator::{CartesianProduct, cartesian_product};
let mut domains : &[&[i32]]= &[&[1, 2], &[3, 4, 5], &[6, 7, 8, 9]];
println!("=== Cartesian product iterative style ===");
CartesianProduct::new(domains).into_iter().for_each(|p| {
    println!("{:?}", p);
println!("=== cartesian product callback style ===");
cartesian_product(domains, |p| {
    // `p` is borrowed a ref to internal variable inside cartesian_product function.
    println!("{:?}", p);



Generate a cartesian product between given domains in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used in Iterator style. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
An iterator return from struct GosperCombination or from trait Combination over slice or vec of data.
Create a combination iterator. It use Gosper’s algorithm to pick a combination out of given data. The produced combination provide no lexicographic order.
Heap’s permutation in iterator style implementation. It provide two way to iterate over the permutation.
k-Permutation over data of length n where k must be less than n. It’ll attempt to permute given data by pick k elements out of data. It use Gosper algorithm to pick the elements. It then use Heap’s algorithm to permute those k elements and return each permutation back to caller.


Create a combination out of T Normally, it take a [T] or Vec<T> to create a combination.
Create a permutation iterator that permute data in place. It return an object of HeapPermutation which can be used as iterator or manual iterate for higher throughput.


Create a cartesian product over given slice. The result will be a slice of borrowed T.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Generate a combination out of given domain. It call cb to several times to return each combination. It’s similar to struct GosperCombination but slightly faster in uncontrol test environment.
Similar to combination function except the way it return the combination. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to combination function except the way it return the combination. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Calculate factorial for two factorial division. It’ll return 1 if numerator is smaller or equals to denominator. Otherwise, it’ll short circuit the calculation by calculate only the undivided remainder.
Calculate factorial from given value.
Get a cartesian product at specific location. If objects is [1, 2, 3] and degree is 2 then all possible result is [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 3]
Calculate all possible cartesian combination size. It is always equals to size.pow(degree).
Get permutation at specific location. If objects is [1, 2, 3, 4] and degree is 2 then all possible permutation will be [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 1], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 4], [4, 1], [4, 2], [4, 3].
Calculate all possible number of permutation. It’s equals to size!/(size - 1).
Heap permutation which permutate variable d in place and call cb function for each permutation done on d.
Heap permutation which permutate variable d in place and call cb function for each permutation done on d.
Heap permutation which permutate variable d in place and call cb function for each permutation done on d.
Generate k-permutation over slice of d. For example: d = &[1, 2, 3]; k = 2. The result will be [1, 2], [2, 1], [1, 3], [3, 1], [2, 3], [3, 2]
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Calculate two factorial multiply on each other. It’ll try to reduce calculation time by calculate the common value only once.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe combination function except the way it return the combination. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.