permu-rs 0.2.0

A collection of utilities for permutations. It contains useful tools to create, manage and experiment with permutations.


A collection of utilities for permutations. It contains useful tools to create, manage and experiment with permutations.

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You can find the documentation with examples here.


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permu-rs = "0.2.0"

Here's a simple example in order to illustrate how to transform populations from one representation space to another and how to learn and sample distributions:

use permu_rs::permutation::PermuPopulation;
use permu_rs::inversion::InversionPopulation;
use permu_rs::Population;

fn main() {
    let length = 5;     // Length of permutations
    let pop_size = 5;   // Number of individuals in the population

    // Create an identity permutation population
    let identity = PermuPopulation::<u8>::identity(pop_size, length);
    println!("Identity permutation population:\n{}", identity);

    // Initialize an inversion population to hold the inversion vector
    // representation of the population of permutations
    let mut invs = InversionPopulation::<u8>::zeros(pop_size, length-1);

    // Convert the permutation population into its inversion representation
    identity.to_inversion(&mut invs).unwrap();
    println!("Inversion population from permutations:\n{}", invs);

    // Learn a distritibution over the inversion vector population
    let mut distr = invs.learn();
    println!("Distribution of the inversion population:\n{}", distr);

    // Sample the learned distribution creating a new inversion population
    let mut samples = InversionPopulation::<u8>::zeros(pop_size, length-1);
    InversionPopulation::sample(&mut distr, &mut samples).unwrap();
    // Note that the distribution has changed. The distribution was
    // soften inside the sampling procedure.
    println!("Soften distribution of the inversion population:\n{}", distr);
    println!("Sampled solutions from the distribution:\n{}", samples);

    // Create a permutation population to hold the new permutation population
    let mut recovered = PermuPopulation::<u8>::identity(pop_size, length);

    // Convert the sampled inversion vectors to their permutation representation
    samples.to_permus(&mut recovered).unwrap();
    println!("Permutation representation of samples:\n{}", recovered);


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