perceptron 0.1.1

A super fast online learning library using perceptron

Super fast online learning using perceptron. It allows you to train your model as you go, and use an ensemble to make accurate predictions.


Preceptron is a relatively simple and fast machine learning algorithm. It has

  • no hyper parameters (no need to tune),
  • good generalization properties using ensemble and
  • overall good classification accuracy.


   use perceptron::*;

   fn and_works() {
       let examples = vec!((vec!(-1.0, 1.0), false), (vec!(-1.0, -1.0), false), (vec!(1.0, -1.0), false), (vec!(1.0, 1.0), true));
       let perceptron = (1..100).fold(Perceptron::new(2), 
			|pepoch, _epoch| examples.iter().fold(pepoch, 
			|pexample, example| pexample.train(example.0.clone(), example.1).unwrap()));

       println!("{:?}", perceptron);

       assert_eq!(perceptron.predict(examples[0].0.clone()), examples[0].1);
       assert_eq!(perceptron.predict(examples[1].0.clone()), examples[1].1);
       assert_eq!(perceptron.predict(examples[2].0.clone()), examples[2].1);
       assert_eq!(perceptron.predict(examples[3].0.clone()), examples[3].1);