peel 0.1.1

Dynamic packet parsing within trees


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Dynamic parsing within trees 🌲 🌳 🌴

Target of this library is to provide a flexible approach in parsing data. This will mainly be done within arena based parser trees which can be modified during runtime. Every parser is using the nom framework for the actual parsing work. A complete source code example can be found within the src/example directory of the crate.

Architecture and usage

Every Peel instance can be seen as a parsing graph structure which has different states and transitions. In the example within the crate the structure looks like this:

Example parser diagram

Independently of what these parser do, the creation of this structure is done within the peel_example function:

/// Return a `Peel` instance for the example parsers
pub fn peel_example() -> Peel<ParserResult, ParserVariant> {
    // Create a tree
    let mut p = Peel::new();

    // Create and link the parsers
    let parser_1 = p.new_parser(Parser1);

    // Append Parser2 to Parser1
    p.link_new_parser(parser_1, Parser2);

    // Append Parser3 to Parser1
    let parser_3 = p.link_new_parser(parser_1, Parser3);

    // Append Parser4 to Parser3
    p.link_new_parser(parser_3, Parser4);


The first created parser will automatically be the root parser and the entry point for the tree traversal. Every parser returns an actual result, which will be pushed into a vector. This means for our example that the result is an enum of different types (in this case only bool values for simplicity):

/// Return values of the parsers
pub enum ParserResult {
    /// The result of the first example parser

    /// The result of the second example parser

    /// The result of the third example parser

    /// The result of the fourth example parser

Beside this result a ParserState is needed to make a decision about the next parsing step:

/// Possible actions to be done if a parser succeed
pub enum ParserState {
    /// Default behavior, continue traversing the Parser tree with the next child

    /// Continue traversing with the next sibling of the current parser

    /// Continue traversing with the current parser

    /// Immediately stop the parsing

So in our example image above we have the following available stages:

  • Parser 1:
    • Succeed: ContinueWithFirstChild
    • Failed: Return an error
  • Parser 2:
    • Succeed/Failed: ContinueWithNextSibling
  • Parser 3:
    • Succeed:
      • Internal pattern matched: ContinueWithCurrent
      • Internal Pattern not matched: ContinueWithFirstChild
    • Failed: Overall parsing done, because no siblings left
  • Parser 4:
    • Failed/Succeed: Overall parsing done, because no child parsers left

This means that the traversal method of Peel will try to find the deepest possible path within the tree structure, whereas the parsers itself can tell Peel how to continue beside the default ContinueWithFirstChild behavior.

After the creation of the structure the traversal can begin:

let mut peel = peel_example();
let result = peel.traverse(b"1234", vec![]).unwrap();

assert_eq!(result.len(), 5);
println!("{:?}", result);

With the help of the log crate it will output:

[peel] [INFO ] Log level set to: Trace
[peel] [DEBUG] Parser 1 parsing succeed, left input length: 3
[peel] [DEBUG] Continue traversal to first child of the parser
[peel] [DEBUG] Parser 2 parsing succeed, left input length: 2
[peel] [DEBUG] Continue traversal to next sibling of the parser
[peel] [DEBUG] Parser 3 parsing succeed, left input length: 1
[peel] [DEBUG] Trying the current parser again
[peel] [DEBUG] Parser 3 parsing succeed, left input length: 1
[peel] [DEBUG] Continue traversal to first child of the parser
[peel] [DEBUG] Parser 4 parsing succeed, left input length: 0
[Result1(true), Result2(true), Result3(true), Result3(true), Result4(true)]

A minimal parser has to implement the Parser trait which could look like this:

pub struct Parser1;

impl Parser for Parser1 {
    /// The result of the parser
    type Result = ParserResult;

    /// The variant of the parser
    type Variant = ParserVariant;

    /// The actual parsing entry point
    fn parse<'a>(&self,
                 input: &'a [u8],                    // The input for the parser
                 node: Option<&ExampleNode>,         // The current node within the tree
                 arena: Option<&ExampleArena>,       // Access to possible other nodes via the arena
                 result: Option<&Vec<Self::Result>>) // The current parsing result
                 -> IResult<&'a [u8], (Self::Result, ParserState)> {
            tag!("1") >>
            (ParserResult::Result1(true), ParserState::ContinueWithFirstChild)

    // Returns the actual parser variant
    fn variant(&self) -> Self::Variant {

For event more advanced behavior the node and arena can be used to find out where the parser is located within the current structure. Access to the current parsing result is possible as well.

Current limitations

  • Result values referencing to the actual input is currently not implemented
  • Going back during traversal is not possible


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