pearl 0.21.0

Pearl is a low level blob-based I/O library
# Changelog
Pearl changelog

## [Unreleased]
#### Added

#### Changed

#### Fixed

#### Updated

## [0.21.0] - 2023-12-18
#### Added

#### Changed

#### Fixed
- Fixed benchmark build error (#296)
- Fixed build warnings (#300)
- Fix the build by adding yanked aHash implementation (#302)

#### Updated

## [0.20.0] - 2023-09-22
#### Added
- Add ability to attach metadata to the deletion record (#229)

#### Changed
- Receive timestamp as parameter, store it within record and return it with BlobRecordTimestamp (#231)
- `Storage::read` now propagates the error further instead of hiding it (#241)
- `Storage::read` now reads Entries first, select latest one and only then loads the data (#276)
- Check blob validity on index regeneration (#289)
- Checksum validation in `Entry::load_data` (#274)
- Add fsync to header writing in blob (#243)
- Add periodic fsync (#234)
- Reduced internal strucutre size in memory: bloom filter `Config` and `FileName` (#260)
- Serialize/Deserialize implementation removed from `Record` struct (#282)

#### Fixed
- Use `dep:<crate_name>` syntax in feature declaration to avoid unnecessary feature flags (#272) 
- Only add a deletion record in old blobs if the key is present (#284)

#### Updated
- Update `tokio`, `bytes`, `async-lock` and `nix` crate versions (#278)

## [0.19.0] - 2023-05-15
#### Added
- Use InMemoryIndex as an additional filter on Blob level (#238)
- Windows support added (#257)
- CI: build and test on Windows (#261)
- Include file index memory in the calculation of occupied memory (#262)

#### Changed
- Remove hard dependency on io uring (#230)
- Update offset only when write is imminent to prevent data corruption due to async Future cancellation (#228)
- Improved Arc placement in Storage (#185)
- Improved visibility levels in Storage (#186)
- `Clone` impl removed from `Storage` (#265)
- BLOB-wide exclusive lock removed from the write path, instead the short lock on the in-memory index added (#249)
- Include BTreeMap overhead in index calculations (#266)
- `MEM_SIZE` const has been added into the `Key` trait for proper calculation of memory occupied by the Key struct (#270)

#### Fixed
- Fix fork in test duplicating test environment (#254)
- Bug in ObserverWorker that prevents its stop and leads to memory leak (#259)
- Converting UnexpectedEOF errors to bincode errors before deserialize() calls (#233)

#### Updated

## [0.18.0] - 2023-02-25
#### Added
- Index regeneration checks record data checksum (#215)

#### Changed
- `ring` crate replaced with `sha2` crate (#246)
- `async-std` replaced with `async-lock` to avoid redundant dependencies (#247)
- Change locks for filters update (#218)
- Serialization moved out of critical section (#188)
- Removed multiple header checksum calculations (#206)
- Rename functions to show that it returns last entry (#199)

#### Fixed

#### Updated

## [0.17.0] - 2023-01-16
#### Added
- Special handling for large data write (#192)

#### Changed
- Added different path for sync read/write (#184)

#### Fixed
- Fixed skip condition in Storage::get_data_last causing incorrect NotFound result (#235)

#### Updated

## [0.16.0] - 2022-12-30
#### Added
- Corrupted blobs count calculation (#224)

#### Changed
- Return delete or not found as distinct results (#208)
- Save delete records in index (#207)
- Use bytes for arguments (#191)

#### Fixed

#### Updated
- Crate `crc` (#225)

## [0.15.0] - 2022-11-22
#### Added
- Add functions to get info about blobs and indexes (#151)
- Add key_size field to index header (#151)

#### Changed
- Change file operations to work on full buffers (#190)
- Remove iterators from bloom filter (#194)
- Excessive key conversion removed (#193)

#### Fixed

#### Updated
- Updated tokio, nix, clap, bitvec versions (#202)
- Update locks (#187)

## [0.14.0] - 2022-11-14
#### Added

#### Changed
- File name added to error messages in Blob struct (#183)
- Update rust edition (#175)

#### Fixed
- Fix docs (#177)
- Fix order of records after bptree deserialization (#181)
- Correct blob size comparison in index validation (#179)
- Returning error when validating blob with corrupted records (#180)

#### Updated

## [0.13.0] - 2022-08-04
#### Added
- Add method to receive occupied disk space (#170)

#### Changed
- Defer index drop on delete (#165)

#### Fixed
- Restore documentation publishing (#173)

#### Updated

## [0.12.0] - 2022-05-23
#### Added
- Add hierarchical filters support (#126)
- Add tools to recover and migrate blobs and indexes (#148)
- Add blob size to index header (#153)
- Add magic byte to index header (#152)

#### Changed

#### Fixed
- Fix delete with no active blob set (#167)

#### Updated

## [0.11.0] - 2022-04-18
#### Added
Add support for hierarchical range filters (#154)

#### Changed
- Remove active checking for blob update (#159)

#### Fixed
- corrupted blob now should be saved in case of 'unexpected eof' error (#160)

#### Updated

## [0.10.0] - 2022-03-30
#### Changed
- Add refkey trait (#141)
- Change nightly to stable rust toolchain

## [0.9.2] - 2022-02-14
#### Added
- Add record delete api method (#103)

## [0.9.1] - 2022-02-03
#### Added
- Add wait cycle for tests with index files (#144)

#### Fixed
- In memory index last record retrieval (#147)

## [0.9.0] - 2021-12-09
#### Added
- Add hierarchical filters support (#126)

## [0.8.1] - 2021-12-02
#### Added
- Add key trait (#123)

## [0.8.0] - 2021-11-09
#### Added
- Add method to offload bloom filters (#121)

#### Changed
- Dump blob indices in separate thread on active blob close (#136)
- Remove second file descriptor from File (#124)
- Acquire advisory write lock on files (#124)

## [0.7.1] - 2021-10-18
#### Added
- Add more functions to interface to support work with optional active blob (#118)

## [0.7.0] - 2021-10-02
#### Added
- B+ Tree indexes (#84)
- Range indexes (#11)
- Move corrupted blobs into speacial directory (#98)
- Blob version validation (#120)

#### Changed
- Rebuild corrupted index automatically during startup (#94)
- Move file to OUT_DIR.

#### Fixed
- Create corrupted directory only when needed (#94)

## [0.6.2] - 2021-09-14
#### Added
- Setup build and test with GitHub Actions (#113)

#### Changed
- Helpers for build time, commit hash and version moved to `build_info` mod.
- Build time format.
- `` added to `.gitignore`.

## [0.6.1] - 2021-08-13
#### Updated
- Blob version v0 -> v1

## [0.6.0] - 2021-08-13
#### Changed
- Add key size check for blob from file (#99)
- `ahash` version fixed on `=v0.7.4` (#112)

#### Fixed
- Fix lint warnings (#100)

## [0.5.14] - 2021-04-14
#### Fixed
- Fix possible infinite readlock (#97)
  - Change all readlocks on writelocks
  - add more traces, increase check timer
  - disable old blobs dump
  - fix benchmark and lock issue

## [0.5.13] - 2021-04-13
#### Fixed
- Fix observer worker leak and simplify logic
- Fix 'core dumped' bug

## [0.5.12] - 2021-03-30
#### Added
- Add check before fsync index file in dump (#90)
- Add an option to ignore corrupted blobs (#86)

#### Changed
- Switch to RwLock for storage inner safe (instead of Mutex) (#91)

#### Updated
- update libs

## [0.5.11] - 2021-03-24
#### Added
- Add synchronization for closing blobs to keep them in stable state in case of future disk faults (#85)
- Add an option to ignore corrupted blobs (#86)

#### Updated
- tokio update v1.3

## [0.5.0] - 2020-08-21
#### Changed
- reduced disk IO calls when index used
- remove Entries
- Replace Error::RecordNotFound with Option
- use anyhow crate for result/error handling

#### Fixed
- wrong offset of index file read

## [0.4.0] - 2020-07-30
#### Added
- use of the io_uring, linux asynchronous I/O API.

## [0.3.1] - 2020-05-15
#### Added
- storage records count methods all/active/detailed

## [0.3.0] - 2020-03-02
#### Added