pea2pea 0.29.0

A small library allowing simple and quick creation of custom P2P nodes and networks.

mod common;
use pea2pea::{connect_nodes, Topology};

// the number of nodes spawned for each topology test
const N: usize = 10;

async fn topology_line_conn_counts() {
    let nodes = common::start_inert_nodes(N, None).await;
    connect_nodes(&nodes, Topology::Line).await.unwrap();

        nodes.iter().enumerate().all(|(i, node)| {
            if i == 0 || i == N - 1 {
                node.num_connected() == 1
            } else {
                node.num_connected() == 2

async fn topology_ring_conn_counts() {
    let nodes = common::start_inert_nodes(N, None).await;
    connect_nodes(&nodes, Topology::Ring).await.unwrap();

    wait_until!(1, nodes.iter().all(|node| node.num_connected() == 2));

async fn topology_mesh_conn_counts() {
    let nodes = common::start_inert_nodes(N, None).await;
    connect_nodes(&nodes, Topology::Mesh).await.unwrap();

    wait_until!(1, nodes.iter().all(|node| node.num_connected() == N - 1));

async fn topology_star_conn_counts() {
    let nodes = common::start_inert_nodes(N, None).await;
    connect_nodes(&nodes, Topology::Star).await.unwrap();

        nodes.iter().enumerate().all(|(i, node)| {
            if i == 0 {
                node.num_connected() == N - 1
            } else {
                node.num_connected() == 1