pea2pea 0.18.0

A small library allowing simple and quick creation of custom P2P nodes and networks.
# pea2pea

**pea2pea** is a P2P library designed with the following use cases in mind:
- simple and quick creation of custom P2P networks
- testing/verifying network protocols
- benchmarking and stress-testing P2P nodes (or other network entities)
- substituting other, "heavier" nodes in local network tests

## goals
- small, simple codebase: the library - _including_ the optional protocols - is under 1k LOC and there are few dependencies
- ease of use: few objects and traits, no "turboeels" or generics/references forcing all parent objects to adapt
- correctness: no `unsafe` code; there's more code in `tests` than in the actual library
- interoperability: strives to be as versatile as possible without sacrificing simplicity and ease of use
- good performance: over 1GB/s in favorable scenarios, small memory footprint

## non-goals
- `no_std`
- becoming a framework
- support for multiple `async` runtimes (it should be simple enough to change it, though)
- any functionality that can be introduced "on top" (e.g. DHT, advanced topology formation algorithms etc.)

## how to use it
1. define a clonable struct containing a `Node` and any extra state you'd like to carry
2. `impl Pea2Pea` for it
3. make it implement any/all of the protocols
4. create that struct (or as many of them as you like)
5. enable protocols you'd like the node(s) to utilize

That's it!

## examples

- the [tests] directory contains some examples of simple use
- [examples] contain more advanced setups, e.g. using [noise] encryption
- try running `cargo run --example <example_name>` with different `RUST_LOG` verbosity levels to check out what's going on under the hood