pdfium-render 0.7.27

A high-level idiomatic Rust wrapper around Pdfium, the C++ PDF library used by the Google Chromium project.
//! Defines the [PdfForm] struct, exposing functionality related to a form
//! embedded in a `PdfDocument`.

use crate::bindgen::{
use crate::bindings::PdfiumLibraryBindings;
use crate::error::PdfiumError;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::ptr::null_mut;

/// The internal definition type of a [PdfForm] embedded in a `PdfDocument`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum PdfFormType {
    // The FORMTYPE_COUNT constant simply specifies the number of form types supported
    // by Pdfium; we do not need to expose it.
    None = FORMTYPE_NONE as isize,
    Acrobat = FORMTYPE_ACRO_FORM as isize,
    XfaFull = FORMTYPE_XFA_FULL as isize,
    XfaForeground = FORMTYPE_XFA_FOREGROUND as isize,

impl PdfFormType {
    pub(crate) fn from_pdfium(form_type: u32) -> Result<PdfFormType, PdfiumError> {
        match form_type {
            FORMTYPE_NONE => Ok(PdfFormType::None),
            FORMTYPE_ACRO_FORM => Ok(PdfFormType::Acrobat),
            FORMTYPE_XFA_FULL => Ok(PdfFormType::XfaFull),
            FORMTYPE_XFA_FOREGROUND => Ok(PdfFormType::XfaForeground),
            _ => Err(PdfiumError::UnknownFormType),

    // The as_pdfium() function is not currently used, but we expect it to be in future
    pub(crate) fn as_pdfium(&self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            PdfFormType::None => FORMTYPE_NONE,
            PdfFormType::Acrobat => FORMTYPE_ACRO_FORM,
            PdfFormType::XfaFull => FORMTYPE_XFA_FULL,
            PdfFormType::XfaForeground => FORMTYPE_XFA_FOREGROUND,

/// The widget display type of a single form field in a [PdfForm].
pub enum PdfFormFieldType {
    // The FPDF_FORMFIELD_COUNT constant simply specifies the number of form field
    // widget types supported by Pdfium; we do not need to expose it.
    Unknown = FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN as isize,
    PushButton = FPDF_FORMFIELD_PUSHBUTTON as isize,
    Checkbox = FPDF_FORMFIELD_CHECKBOX as isize,
    RadioButton = FPDF_FORMFIELD_RADIOBUTTON as isize,
    ComboBox = FPDF_FORMFIELD_COMBOBOX as isize,
    ListBox = FPDF_FORMFIELD_LISTBOX as isize,
    TextField = FPDF_FORMFIELD_TEXTFIELD as isize,
    Signature = FPDF_FORMFIELD_SIGNATURE as isize,

impl PdfFormFieldType {
    // The from_pdfium() function is not currently used, but we expect it to be in future
    pub(crate) fn from_pdfium(form_field_type: u32) -> Result<PdfFormFieldType, PdfiumError> {
        match form_field_type {
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::Unknown),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_PUSHBUTTON => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::PushButton),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_CHECKBOX => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::Checkbox),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_RADIOBUTTON => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::RadioButton),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_COMBOBOX => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::ComboBox),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_LISTBOX => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::ListBox),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_TEXTFIELD => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::TextField),
            FPDF_FORMFIELD_SIGNATURE => Ok(PdfFormFieldType::Signature),
            _ => Err(PdfiumError::UnknownFormFieldType),

    // The as_pdfium() function is not currently used, but we expect it to be in future
    pub(crate) fn as_pdfium(&self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            PdfFormFieldType::Unknown => FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN,
            PdfFormFieldType::PushButton => FPDF_FORMFIELD_PUSHBUTTON,
            PdfFormFieldType::Checkbox => FPDF_FORMFIELD_CHECKBOX,
            PdfFormFieldType::RadioButton => FPDF_FORMFIELD_RADIOBUTTON,
            PdfFormFieldType::ComboBox => FPDF_FORMFIELD_COMBOBOX,
            PdfFormFieldType::ListBox => FPDF_FORMFIELD_LISTBOX,
            PdfFormFieldType::TextField => FPDF_FORMFIELD_TEXTFIELD,
            PdfFormFieldType::Signature => FPDF_FORMFIELD_SIGNATURE,

/// The [PdfForm] embedded inside a `PdfDocument`.
pub struct PdfForm<'a> {
    form_handle: FPDF_FORMHANDLE,
    document_handle: FPDF_DOCUMENT,
    // The form_fill_info field is not currently used, but we expect it to be in future
    form_fill_info: Pin<Box<FPDF_FORMFILLINFO>>,
    bindings: &'a dyn PdfiumLibraryBindings,

impl<'a> PdfForm<'a> {
    /// Attempts to bind to an embedded form, if any, inside the document with the given
    /// document handle.
    pub(crate) fn from_pdfium(
        document_handle: FPDF_DOCUMENT,
        bindings: &'a dyn PdfiumLibraryBindings,
    ) -> Option<Self> {
        // Pdfium does not load form field data or widgets (and therefore will not
        // render them) until a call has been made to the
        // FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment() function. This function takes a large
        // struct, FPDF_FORMFILLINFO, which Pdfium uses to store a variety of form
        // configuration information - mostly callback functions that should be called
        // when the user interacts with a form field widget. Since pdfium-render has
        // no concept of interactivity, we can leave all these set to None.

        // We allocate the FPDF_FORMFILLINFO struct on the heap and pin its pointer location
        // so Rust will not move it around. Pdfium retains the pointer location
        // when we call FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment() and expects the pointer
        // location to still be valid when we later call FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment()
        // during drop(); if we don't pin the struct's location it may move, and the
        // call to FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment() will segfault.

        let mut form_fill_info = Box::pin(FPDF_FORMFILLINFO {
            version: 2,
            Release: None,
            FFI_Invalidate: None,
            FFI_OutputSelectedRect: None,
            FFI_SetCursor: None,
            FFI_SetTimer: None,
            FFI_KillTimer: None,
            FFI_GetLocalTime: None,
            FFI_OnChange: None,
            FFI_GetPage: None,
            FFI_GetCurrentPage: None,
            FFI_GetRotation: None,
            FFI_ExecuteNamedAction: None,
            FFI_SetTextFieldFocus: None,
            FFI_DoURIAction: None,
            FFI_DoGoToAction: None,
            m_pJsPlatform: null_mut(),
            xfa_disabled: 0,
            FFI_DisplayCaret: None,
            FFI_GetCurrentPageIndex: None,
            FFI_SetCurrentPage: None,
            FFI_GotoURL: None,
            FFI_GetPageViewRect: None,
            FFI_PageEvent: None,
            FFI_PopupMenu: None,
            FFI_OpenFile: None,
            FFI_EmailTo: None,
            FFI_UploadTo: None,
            FFI_GetPlatform: None,
            FFI_GetLanguage: None,
            FFI_DownloadFromURL: None,
            FFI_PostRequestURL: None,
            FFI_PutRequestURL: None,
            FFI_OnFocusChange: None,
            FFI_DoURIActionWithKeyboardModifier: None,

        let form_handle =
            bindings.FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment(document_handle, form_fill_info.deref_mut());

        if !form_handle.is_null() && bindings.get_pdfium_last_error().is_none() {
            // There is a form embedded in this document, and we retrieved
            // a valid handle to it without error.

            let form = PdfForm {

            if form.form_type() != PdfFormType::None {
            } else {
                // The form is valid, but empty. No point returning it.

        } else {
            // There is no form embedded in this document.


    /// Returns the internal `FPDF_FORMHANDLE` handle for this [PdfForm].
    pub(crate) fn handle(&self) -> &FPDF_FORMHANDLE {

    /// Returns the [PdfiumLibraryBindings] used by this [PdfForm].
    pub fn bindings(&self) -> &'a dyn PdfiumLibraryBindings {

    /// Returns the [PdfFormType] of this [PdfForm].
    pub fn form_type(&self) -> PdfFormType {
        PdfFormType::from_pdfium(self.bindings.FPDF_GetFormType(self.document_handle) as u32)

impl<'a> Drop for PdfForm<'a> {
    /// Closes this [PdfForm], releasing held memory.
    fn drop(&mut self) {