pdf-writer 0.4.1

A step-by-step PDF writer.
# pdf-writer
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A step-by-step PDF writer.

The entry point into the API is the main `PdfWriter`, which constructs the
document into one big internal buffer. The top-level writer has many methods to
create specialized writers for specific PDF objects. These all follow the same
general pattern: They borrow the main buffer mutably, expose a builder pattern
for writing individual fields in a strongly typed fashion and finish up the
object when dropped.

There are a few more top-level structs with internal buffers, like the builder
for `Content` streams, but wherever possible buffers are borrowed from parent
writers to minimize allocations.

## Minimal example
The following example creates a PDF with a single, empty A4 page.

use pdf_writer::{PdfWriter, Rect, Ref};

// Define some indirect reference ids we'll use.
let catalog_id = Ref::new(1);
let page_tree_id = Ref::new(2);
let page_id = Ref::new(3);

// Write a document catalog and a page tree with one A4 page that uses no resources.
let mut writer = PdfWriter::new();
    .media_box(Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, 595.0, 842.0))

// Finish with cross-reference table and trailer and write to file.
std::fs::write("target/empty.pdf", writer.finish())?;

For a more comprehensive overview, check out the [hello world example], which
creates a document with text and a link in it.

## Safety
This crate forbids unsafe code, but it depends on widespread crates that use
unsafe internally.

## License
This crate is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.

[hello world example]: https://github.com/typst/pdf-writer/tree/main/examples/hello.rs