pdf-writer 0.1.0

A step-by-step PDF writer.


Build status Crates.io Documentation

A step-by-step PDF writer.

The entry point into the API is the main PdfWriter. The document is written into an internal buffer, but otherwise the API is largely non-allocating.

Minimal example

The following example creates a PDF with a single, empty A4 page.

use pdf_writer::{PdfWriter, Rect, Ref};

// Start writing with the PDF version 1.7 header.
let mut writer = PdfWriter::new(1, 7);

// The document catalog and a page tree with one A4 page that uses no resources.
    .media_box(Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, 595.0, 842.0))

// Finish with cross-reference table and trailer and write to file.
std::fs::write("empty.pdf", writer.finish(Ref::new(1)))?;

For a more comprehensive overview, check out the hello world example in the repository, which creates a document with text in it.


This crate is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.