pdf-min 0.1.0

Very minimal crate for writing PDFs

This crate implements minimal conversion from HTML to PDF.

ToDo: Line wrapping. Html entities ( & symbols ). Proper parsing of tags ( currently using > in a tag does not work correctly ). Html tables, font sizing.

Test example

use pdf_min::*;
let source = format!("
<title>Rust is Great</title>
<h1>Important Notice</h1>
<p>Hello <b>something</b>
<p>Hi <i>italic test</i>
<p>Hi <i><b>bold italic test</b></i>
<p>Test <sup>sup</sup>
<p>Test <sub>sub</sub>
","<p>more stuff".repeat(50));
let mut w = Writer::default();
html(&mut w, source.as_bytes());

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;

let mut file = File::create("test.pdf").unwrap();