pdf-canvas 0.7.0

Generate PDF files in pure Rust. Currently, simple vector graphics and text set in the 14 built-in fonts are supported.
#! /bin/sh
set -e

if [ "$VERSION" == "" ]; then
   echo "A release needs a version number!"
   exit 1

sed -e "s#^version.*#version = \"$VERSION\"#" < Cargo.toml > Cargo.toml.new
mv Cargo.toml.new Cargo.toml

LOG=`mktemp --suffix=.buildlog`

function error {
  cat $LOG
  exit 1

date +'%F %T: Testing ...'
cargo test > $LOG 2>&1 || error

date +'%F %T: Comitting the release ...'
git add Cargo.toml
git commit -m "Release $VERSION"
git tag -a v$VERSION
git push --all
git push --tags

date +'%F %T: Publishing the release to crates.io ...'
cargo publish

date +"%F %T: Release $VERSION done."