pct-str 1.2.0

Percent-encoded strings for URL, URI, IRI, etc.

Percent-Encoded Strings

This crate provides two types, PctStr and PctString, similar to str and String, representing percent-encoded strings used in URL, URI, IRI, etc. You can use them to encode, decode and compare percent-encoded strings.

Basic usage

You can parse/decode percent-encoded strings by building a PctStr slice over a str slice.

use pct_str::PctStr;

let pct_str = PctStr::new("Hello%20World%21")?;

assert!(pct_str == "Hello World!");

let decoded_string: String = pct_str.decode();
println!("{}", decoded_string); // => Hello World!

To create new percent-encoded strings, use the PctString to copy or encode new strings.

use pct_str::PctString;

// Copy the given percent-encoded string.
let pct_string = PctString::new("Hello%20World%21")?;

// Encode the given regular string.
let pct_string = PctString::encode("Hello World!".chars(), URIReserved);

println!("{}", pct_string.as_str()); // => Hello World%21

You can choose which character will be percent-encoded by the encode function by implementing the Encoder trait.

struct CustomEncoder;

impl pct_str::Encoder for CustomEncoder {
	fn encode(&self, c: char) -> bool {
		URIReserved.encode(c) || c.is_uppercase()

let pct_string = PctString::encode("Hello World!".chars(), CustomEncoder);
println!("{}", pct_string.as_str()); // => %48ello %57orld%21


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