pbrt 0.1.1

Rust implementation of https://pbrt.org/
# What is this?
This is not an officially supported Google product.  This is a personal
project, it serves as a learning experience for both: programming in rust, and
writing a ray-tracer.  If either of these things are interesting to you, then
you may like this project.

This is a rust implementation of the physics based ray tracer documented in
'Physically Based Rendering, Third Edition' http://www.pbrt.org/

If you're looking for a more fully-formed implementation, check out

# Differences from C++ version
 * Output parameters rewritten as multiple return values.
 * Functions that use bool return type with out parameter are rewritten to use
 * Scene parsing is two-phase.  First phase parses the file into a series of
   enums, see parser::{WorldBlock,OptionsBlock} into a parser::Scene object.
   The second phase then walks the Scene object calling api::Pbrt methods as
 * Constructors: no parameter constructors should implement
   [`Default`]https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/default/trait.Default.html, or
   helpfully named constructors like `identity`.  Type changing constructors
   should implement