pbf_font_tools 1.0.2

Tools for working with SDF font glyphs encoded in protobuf format.
# Rust PBF Font Tools

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This crate contains tools for working with SDF font glyphs in PBF format for use in renderers
like Mapbox GL.

## Features

* Combine multiple glyphs from multiple fonts into a single stack. 
* Generate glyphs from a TrueType/OpenType font.

If you're looking for a CLI tool to generate PBF ranges en masse like
[node-fontnik](https://github.com/mapbox/node-fontnik)), but faster,
check out [build_pbf_glyphs](https://github.com/stadiamaps/build_pbf_glyphs).

NOTE: This has been developed and tested against FreeType 2.10. It will work against
older versions, but the glyph generation tests may not pass as the rendering
evolves over time.

## References

* https://github.com/mapbox/glyph-pbf-composite
* https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-gl/blob/master/src/utils.js