pb-jelly-gen 0.0.16

A protobuf binding generation framework for the Rust language developed at Dropbox


It's working! It's working! - Anakin Skywalker

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This crate provides a tool to generate Rust code from proto2 or proto3 files.

How To Use

python + protoc

The core of this crate is a python script codegen.py that is provided to the protobuf compiler, protoc as a plugin.

You'll need the protobuf compiler which you can get by:

  1. Running brew install protobuf or...
  2. Download or build from source protobuf

Once you've completed the above steps, you should include this crate as a build-dependency in your Cargo.toml and then call the API of this crate from a build.rs files in the root of your repo.

pb-jelly-gen = "0.0.16"
use pb_jelly_gen::gen_protos;

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    // Replace `./protos` with a path to your proto files.