[][src]Module patoz::jrnl

Contains parsers related to Jrnl records.

The JRNL record contains the primary literature citation that describes the experiment which resulted in the deposited coordinate set..



Parses AUTH sub-record of JRNL record. AUTH contains the list of authors associated with the cited article or contribution to a larger work. Formatted in a similar way with main AUTHOR record. If successfull return Record variant which contains JournalAuthors


Parses DOI sub-record of JRNL record. DOI is the Digital Object Identifier for the related electronic publication (“e-pub”), if applicable. If successfull returns Record variant containing JournalDoi


Parses EDIT sub-record of JRNL record. EDIT appears if editors are associated with a non-journal reference. Formatted in a similar way with AUTHOR record. If successfull return Record variant which contains JournalEditors


Parses PMID sub-record of JRNL record. MID lists the PubMed unique accession number of the publication related to the entry. If successfull returns Record variant containing JournalPubMedId


Parses PUBL sub-record of JRNL record. PUBL contains the name of the publisher and place of publication if the reference is to a book or other non-journal publication. If successfull returns Record variant that contains JournalPublication


Parses REF sub-record of JRNL record. REF is a group of fields that contain either the publication status or the name of the publication (and any supplement and/or report information), volume, page, and year. If successfull return Recordvariant which contains JournalReference


Parses REFN sub-record of JRNL record. REFN is a group of fields that contain encoded references to the citation. No continuation lines are possible. Each piece of coded information has a designated field.If successfull returns Record variant that contains JournalCitation


Parses TITLE sub-record of JRNL record. TITLE contains title of a journal article, chapter, or part of a book. Is a continuation record which may span multi-lines. If successfull return Record variant which contains JournalTitle


parses serial number type as SerialNumber