passerine 0.6.1

A small extensible programming language designed for concise expression with little code.

Passerine Logotype

Welcome to Passerine! Passerine is a small, concise, extensible programming language, powered by a VM written in Rust. It was inspired by Scheme, OCaml, Rust, and Wren. Here's a small taste:

-- defining a macro
syntax 'for 'each var 'in list do {
    body = var -> do

    loop = remaining -> {
        match remaining {
            () -> (),
            [head & tail] -> { body head; remaining tail }

    loop list

-- using said macro
for each number in (reverse [1, 2, 3]) {
    print (number + "...")

print "Liftoff!"

Getting Started

If you just want to see what Passerine can do:

NOTE: Passerine is in an early stage of development. It's just barely reached the stage of theoretically being Turing-complete, but don't @ me yet.

  1. Clone this git repository.
  2. Build Passerine with cargo.
  3. Run the tests.

If you'd like to contribute:

  1. Get Passerine.
  2. Start developing. has general guidelines and discusses project structure


This is a loose roadmap of the features we plan to add to Passerine to reach 1.0.

Version Milestone Status (P, W, S) Stable Goal
0 Start Project Stable
0.1 Lexer Stable
0.2 Parser Stable
0.3 Bytecode Generator Stable
0.4 VM Stable 2020-04-25✓
0.4.1 Local Variables Stable
0.4.2 Block Expressions Stable
0.5 Unary Datatypes Stable 2020-05-02✓
0.5.1 Nan Tagging Stable
0.5.2 Numbers Stable
0.5.3 Strings Stable
0.6 Functions WIP 2020-08-08
0.6.1 Block Scope Stable
0.6.2 Closures WIP
0.6.3 Operators WIP
0.7 Alg. Structs. Planning 2020-05-15
0.7.1 Tuple Planning
0.7.2 Union Planning
0.7.3 Record Planning
0.7.4 Map Planning
0.8 Hygenic Macros Planning 2020-05-29
0.8.1 Pattern Matching Planning
0.8.2 Types and Traits Planning
0.9.0 Fibers
0.9.1 Error Handling WIP
0.10 CLI
0.11 Standard Library
0.11.1 FFI
0.11.1 I/O
0.11.2 Math & Numeric Tower
0.11.3 Random
0.11.4 Time
0.11.5 Networking
0.12 Clean up for Stable Release
0.12.1 Website Planning
1.0.0 First Stable Release
1.1.0 Automated Tests
1.2.0 Documentation Generation
1.3.0 Package Manager
2.0.0 Parallelism
... TBD