partialdebug 0.2.0

Derive Debug partially
//! Trait detection logic without using specialization.
//! Inspired by the [impls]( crate.
//! [`DebugDetector`] implements the method `as_debug` twice.
//! Once as a conditionally implemented inherent method always returning `Some(&dyn Debug)` and once as a trait method always returning `None`.
//! An inherent method has priority over a trait method of the same name.
//! Using `DebugDetector::<SomeType>::as_debug(&something)` then acts as a trait detector.
//! Note that if `SomeType` is generic the detector won't work.

use core::fmt::Debug;

/// Fallback trait implemented by DebugDetector.
pub trait NotDebug: private::Sealed {
    /// Returns `None`
    fn as_debug<T>(_: &T) -> Option<&dyn Debug> {

impl<T> NotDebug for DebugDetector<T> {}

/// Zero size struct, acting as a trait Detector.
pub struct DebugDetector<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Debug> DebugDetector<T> {
    /// Returns the passed in argument as `Some(&dyn Debug).`
    #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps, clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
    pub fn as_debug(it: &T) -> Option<&dyn Debug> {

mod private {
    pub trait Sealed {}

    // Implement for those same types, but no others.
    impl<T> Sealed for super::DebugDetector<T> {}