parsimonious 0.0.6

Parsimonious parser combinators

parsimonious: a parser combinator library for Rust

The goal of this library is to provide parser combinators that:

  • are optimized for LL(1) grammars,
  • support streaming input,
  • do as little buffering or copying as possible, and
  • do as little dynamic method dispatch as possible.

It is based on:

Rustdoc | Crate | CI


To parse a sequence of alphanumerics into a string buffer:

    let ALPHANUMERIC = character_guard(char::is_alphanumeric);

If you provide complete input to the parser, you will get back a Done response, for example:

    if let Done(rest,result) = ALPHANUMERICS.init().parse("abc123!") {
        println!("Matched {} with left over {}.", result, rest);


    Matched abc123 with left over !.

If you provide incomplete input, you will get back a Continue response, for example:

    if let Continue(parsing) = ALPHANUMERICS.init().parse("abc") {
        println!("Still going...");
        if let Done(rest,result) = parsing.parse("123!") {
            println!("Matched {} with left over {}.", result, rest);


    Still going...
    Matched abc123 with left over !.