Struct parsell::impls::Star [] [src]

pub struct Star<P, F>(_, _);


impl<P, F> Star<P, F>

Trait Implementations

impl<P, F> Copy for Star<P, F> where
    P: Copy,
    F: Copy

impl<P, F> Clone for Star<P, F> where
    P: Clone,
    F: Copy

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<P, F> Debug for Star<P, F> where
    P: Debug

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<P, F> Parser for Star<P, F>

Choice between parsers

Sequencing with a committed parser

Sequencing with a committed parser (bubble any errors from this parser).

Sequencing with a committed parser (bubble any errors from that parser).

Sequencing with a committed parser (bubble any errors from either parser).

Iterate one or more times (returns an uncommitted parser).

Iterate zero or more times (returns a committed parser).

Apply a function to the result

Apply a 2-arguent function to the result

Apply a 3-arguent function to the result

Apply a 4-arguent function to the result

Apply a 5-arguent function to the result

Apply a 6-arguent function to the result

Apply a function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a 2-argument function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a 3-argument function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a 4-argument function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a 5-argument function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a 6-argument function to the result (bubble any errors).

Apply a by-reference function to the result

Apply a variant function to the result

Sequencing, discard the output of the first parse

Sequencing, discard the output of the second parse

Sequencing, discard the output of the first parse, bubble errors from the first parser

Sequencing, discard the output of the second parse, bubble errors from the second parser

Sequencing, discard the output of the first parse, bubble errors from either parser

Sequencing, discard the output of the second parse, bubble errors from either parser

Optional parse

Optional parse

Discard the output

Discard the output, bubbling errors

Box up this parser

Set the state of this parser

A parser which produces its input. Read more

impl<P, F, Ch, Str> HasOutput<Ch, Str> for Star<P, F> where
    F: Factory

The type of the data being produced by the parser.

impl<P, F, Ch, Str> Uncommitted<Ch, Str, F::Output> for Star<P, F> where
    P: 'static + Copy + UncommittedInfer<Ch, Str>,
    F: 'static + Factory,
    Str: PeekableIterator,
    P::State: Stateful<Ch, Str, <P as HasOutput<Ch, Str>>::Output>,
    F::Output: Consumer<P::Output>, 

Parse a string of data.

impl<P, F, Ch, Str> Committed<Ch, Str, F::Output> for Star<P, F> where
    P: 'static + Copy + UncommittedInfer<Ch, Str>,
    F: 'static + Factory,
    Str: PeekableIterator,
    P::State: Stateful<Ch, Str, <P as HasOutput<Ch, Str>>::Output>,
    F::Output: Consumer<P::Output>, 

Parse an EOF.