parse_duration 1.0.0

Parses a duration from a string.

parse_duration Travis AppVeyor

This crate provides a function parse for parsing strings into durations. The parser is based on the standard set by systemd.time, but extends it significantly. For example, negative numbers, decimals and exponents are allowed.

extern crate parse_duration;

use parse_duration::parse;
use std::time::Duration;

// One hour less than a day
assert_eq!(parse("1 day -1 hour").unwrap(), Duration::new(82_800, 0));
// Using exponents
assert_eq!(parse("1.26e-1 days").unwrap(), Duration::new(10_886, 400_000_000));
// Extra things will be ignored
    parse("Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes and 29 seconds").unwrap(),
    Duration::new(4529, 0)


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