parse-changelog 0.6.0

Simple changelog parser, written in Rust.
# parse-changelog

[![build status](](

Simple changelog parser, written in Rust.

- [Installation]#installation
  - [CLI]#cli
  - [Library]#library
- [Usage (CLI)]#usage-cli
- [Usage (Library)]#usage-library
- [Supported Format]#supported-format
- [Related Projects]#related-projects
- [License]#license

## Installation

### CLI

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#### From source

cargo +stable install parse-changelog --locked

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#### From prebuilt binaries

You can download prebuilt binaries from the [Release page](
Prebuilt binaries are available for macOS, Linux (gnu and musl), and Windows (static executable).

<summary>Example of script to download parse-changelog</summary>

# Get host target
host=$(rustc -Vv | grep host | sed 's/host: //')
# Download binary and install to $HOME/.cargo/bin
curl -LsSf$host.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C $HOME/.cargo/bin


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#### Via Homebrew

You can install [parse-changelog using Homebrew tap on macOS and Linux](

brew install taiki-e/tap/parse-changelog

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#### Via Scoop (Windows)

You can install [parse-changelog using Scoop](

scoop bucket add taiki-e
scoop install parse-changelog

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#### Via cargo-binstall

You can install parse-changelog using [cargo-binstall](

cargo binstall parse-changelog

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#### Via MPR (Debian/Ubuntu)

You can install [parse-changelog from the MPR](

git clone ''
cd parse-changelog/
makedeb -si

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##### Via Prebuilt-MPR

You can also install parse-changelog from the Prebuilt-MPR, which provides automatic upgrades directly via APT. First [set up the Prebuilt-MPR on your system](, and then run the following:

sudo apt install parse-changelog

Note: The MPR/Prebuilt-MPR packages are maintained by the community, not the maintainer of parse-changelog.

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#### On GitHub Actions

You can use [taiki-e/install-action]( to install prebuilt binaries on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
This makes the installation faster and may avoid the impact of [problems caused by upstream changes](

- uses: taiki-e/install-action@parse-changelog

### Library

To use this crate as a library, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

parse-changelog = { version = "0.6", default-features = false }

Note: When using this crate as a library, we recommend disabling the default
features because the default features enable CLI-related dependencies and the
library part of this crate does not use them.

*Compiler support: requires rustc 1.64+*

## Usage (CLI)

`parse-changelog` command parses changelog and returns a release note for the
specified version.

<summary>Click to show a complete list of options</summary>

<!-- readme-long-help:start -->
$ parse-changelog --help

Simple changelog parser, written in Rust.

Parses changelog and returns a release note for the specified version.

    parse-changelog [OPTIONS] <PATH> [VERSION]

    <PATH>       Path to the changelog file (use '-' for standard input)
    [VERSION]    Specify version (by default, select the latest release)

    -t, --title                       Returns title instead of notes
        --title-no-link               Similar to --title, but remove links from title
        --json                        Returns JSON representation of all releases in changelog
        --version-format <PATTERN>    Specify version format
        --prefix-format <PATTERN>     Specify prefix format [aliases: prefix]
    -h, --help                        Print help information
    -V, --version                     Print version information
<!-- readme-long-help:end -->


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### Example: Get Rust's release notes

Get the release note for version 1.46.0 from [Rust's release notes](

curl -fsSL \
  | parse-changelog - 1.46.0

[*output of the above command.*](tests/fixtures/

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### Example: Get Cargo's changelog

In [Cargo's changelog](,
the title starts with "Cargo ", and the patch version is omitted. This is a
format `parse-changelog` don't support by default, so use `--prefix` and
`--version-format` to specify a custom format. For example:

curl -fsSL \
  | parse-changelog --prefix 'Cargo ' --version-format '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' - 1.50

[*output of the above command.*](tests/fixtures/

`--prefix` is the same as [`Parser::prefix_format`] and `--version-format` is
the same as [`Parser::version_format`]. See documentation of those methods for
more information.

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### Example: Create a new GitHub release from changelog

With [GitHub CLI](


# Get notes for $version from
notes=$(parse-changelog "$version")
# Create a new GitHub release with GitHub CLI.
gh release create "$tag" --title "$version" --notes "$notes"

See also [create-gh-release-action].

## Usage (Library)

let changelog = "\
## 0.1.2 - 2020-03-01

- Bug fixes.

## 0.1.1 - 2020-02-01

- Added `Foo`.
- Added `Bar`.

## 0.1.0 - 2020-01-01

Initial release

// Parse changelog.
let changelog = parse_changelog::parse(changelog).unwrap();

// Get the latest release.
assert_eq!(changelog[0].version, "0.1.2");
assert_eq!(changelog[0].title, "0.1.2 - 2020-03-01");
assert_eq!(changelog[0].notes, "- Bug fixes.");

// Get the specified release.
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.0"].title, "0.1.0 - 2020-01-01");
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.0"].notes, "Initial release");
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.1"].title, "0.1.1 - 2020-02-01");
    "- Added `Foo`.\n\
     - Added `Bar`."

See [documentation]( for more information on
`parse-changelog` as a library.

## Supported Format

By default, this crate is intended to support markdown-based changelogs
that have the title of each release starts with the version format based on
[Semantic Versioning][semver]. (e.g., [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog]'s
changelog format.)

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### Headings

The heading for each release must be Atx-style (1-6 `#`) or
Setext-style (`=` or `-` in a line under text), and the heading levels
must match with other releases.

Atx-style headings:

# 0.1.0

## 0.1.0

Setext-style headings:



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### Titles

The title of each release must start with a text or a link text (text with
`[` and `]`) that starts with a valid [version format](#versions) or
[prefix format](#prefixes). For example:

# [0.2.0]


# 0.1.0


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#### Prefixes

You can include characters before the version as prefix.

## Version 0.1.0

By default only "v", "Version ", "Release ", and "" (no prefix) are
allowed as prefixes.

To customize the prefix format, use the [`Parser::prefix_format`] method (library) or `--prefix-format` option (CLI).

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#### Versions

## v0.1.0 -- 2020-01-01

The default version format is based on [Semantic Versioning][semver].

This is parsed by using the following regular expression:


**Note:** To get the 'Unreleased' section in the CLI, you need to explicitly specify 'Unreleased' as the version.

To customize the version format, use the [`Parser::version_format`] method (library) or `--version-format` option (CLI).

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#### Suffixes

You can freely include characters after the version.

# 0.1.0 - 2020-01-01

## Related Projects

- [create-gh-release-action]: GitHub Action for creating GitHub Releases based on changelog. (Using this crate for changelog parsing.)


## License

Licensed under either of [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE-APACHE) or
[MIT license](LICENSE-MIT) at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.