parse-changelog 0.2.1

A changelog parser, written in Rust.

parse-changelog license rustc build status

A changelog parser, written in Rust.


To use this crate as a command line tool, run the following command:

cargo install parse-changelog

To use this crate as a library, add this to your Cargo.toml:

# When using this crate as a library, we recommend disabling the default feature
# due to the default feature enables CLI-related dependencies.
parse-changelog = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }

Compiler support: requires rustc 1.45+

Usage (as a command line tool)

parse-changelog command parses changelog and returns a release note for the specified version.

    parse-changelog [OPTIONS] <PATH> [VERSION]

    -t, --title                       Returns title instead of notes
        --version-format <PATTERN>    Specify version format
        --prefix <PATTERN>            Alias for --prefix-format
        --prefix-format <PATTERN>     Specify prefix format
    -h, --help                        Prints help information
    -V, --version                     Prints version information

    <PATH>       Path to the changelog file (use '-' for standard input)
    <VERSION>    Specify version (by default, select the latest release)

Example: Get Rust's release notes

curl -sSf \
  | parse-changelog - 1.46.0

output of the above command.

Example: Get Cargo's changelog

In Cargo's changelog, the title starts with "Cargo ", and the patch version is omitted. This is a format parse-changelog don't support by default, so use --prefix and --version-format to specify a custom format. For example:

curl -sSf \
  | parse-changelog --prefix 'Cargo ' --version-format '^\d+\.\d+' - 1.50

output of the above command.

--prefix is the same as Parser::prefix_format and --version-format is the same as Parser::version_format. See documentation of those methods for more information.

Example: Create a new GitHub release from changelog

With GitHub CLI:


# Get title for $version from and remove links.
title=$(parse-changelog "$version" --title | sed -E 's/\[|\]//g')
# Get notes for $version from
notes=$(parse-changelog "$version")
# Create a new *draft* GitHub release with GitHub CLI.
gh release create "$tag" --title "$title" --notes "$notes" --draft

Examples (as a library)

let changelog = "\
## 0.1.2 - 2020-03-01

- Bug fixes.

## 0.1.1 - 2020-02-01

- Added `Foo`.
- Added `Bar`.

## 0.1.0 - 2020-01-01

Initial release

// Parse changelog.
let changelog = parse_changelog::parse(changelog).unwrap();

// Get the latest release.
assert_eq!(changelog[0].version, "0.1.2");
assert_eq!(changelog[0].title, "0.1.2 - 2020-03-01");
assert_eq!(changelog[0].notes, "- Bug fixes.");

// Get the specified release.
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.0"].title, "0.1.0 - 2020-01-01");
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.0"].notes, "Initial release");
assert_eq!(changelog["0.1.1"].title, "0.1.1 - 2020-02-01");
    "- Added `Foo`.\n\
     - Added `Bar`."

See documentation for more information on parse-changelog as a library.


By default, this crate is intended to support markdown-based changelogs that have the title of each release starts with the version format based on Semantic Versioning. (e.g., Keep a Changelog's changelog format.)


The heading for each release must be Atx-style (1-6 #) or Setext-style (= or - in a line under text), and the heading levels must match with other releases.

Atx-style headings:

# 0.1.0
## 0.1.0

Setext-style headings:



The title of each release must start with a text or a link text (text with [ and ]) that starts with a valid version format. For example:

# [0.2.0]


# 0.1.0


You can also include characters before the version as prefix.

## Version 0.1.0

By default only "v", "Version " and "Release " are allowed as prefixes and can be customized using the Parser::prefix_format method (--prefix-format option if command line).

You can freely include characters after the version (this crate does not parse it).

# 0.1.0 - 2020-01-01


The default version format is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH(-PRE_RELEASE)?(+BUILD_METADATA)?, and is based on Semantic Versioning. (Pre-release version and build metadata are optional.)

This is parsed using the following regular expression:


To customize the version format, use the Parser::version_format method (--version-format option if command line).


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.