parquet2 0.6.0

Safe implementation of parquet IO.
# Changelog

## [v0.6.0] (2021-10-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Improved performance of codec initialization [\#63] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `PageFilter` `Send` [\#62] ([dantengsky]
- Alowed reusing compression buffer [\#60] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed delta-bitpacked mini-block decoding [\#56] ([kornholi]
- Add descriptor to `FixedLenStatistics` [\#54] ([potter420]
- Fixed error in reading zero-width bit from hybrid RLE. [\#53] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added writing reduced statistics for `FixedLenByteArray` [\#55] ([potter420]

## [v0.5.2] (2021-10-06)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed delta-bitpacked mini-block decoding [\#56] ([kornholi]
- Add descriptor to `FixedLenStatistics` [\#54] ([potter420]


- Added writing reduced statistics for `FixedLenByteArray` [\#55] ([potter420]

## [v0.5.1] (2021-09-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error in reading zero-width bit from hybrid RLE. [\#53] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.5.0] (2021-09-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Renamed `Compression::Zsld` to `Compression::Zstd` \(typo\) [\#48] ([vincev]


- Add `null_count` method to trait `Statistics` [\#49] ([yjshen]

## [v0.4.0] (2021-08-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Make `write_*` return the number of written bytes. [\#45]
- move `HybridRleDecoder` from `read::levels` to `encoding::hybrid_rle` [\#41]
- Simplified split of page buffer [\#37] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified API to get page iterator [\#36] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support to write to async writers. [\#35] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed edge case of a small bitpacked. [\#43] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in decoding RLE-hybrid. [\#40] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Removed requirement of "Seek" on write. [\#44] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Added guide to read [\#38] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Made tests deserializer use the correct decoder. [\#46] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.3.0] (2021-08-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Added option to apply filter pushdown to data pages. [\#34] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Add support to read async [\#33] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Add support for async read [\#32]
- Added option to apply filter pushdown to data pages. [\#34] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.2.0] (2021-08-03)

[Full Changelog](


- Add support to write dictionary-encoded pages [\#29]
- Upgrade zstd to ^0.9 [\#31] ([Dandandan]

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*