parol-ls 0.4.0

Language server for parol parser generator
use crate::parol_ls_grammar::OwnedToken;
use derive_new::new;
use lsp_types::Range;

use crate::utils::location_to_range;

/// The Rng type is a customized Range that can handle empty ranges.
/// Empty ranges are null elements for extend operations:
/// R1 + Empty = R1
/// Empty + R1 = R1
/// Empty + Empty = Empty
/// Rng and lsp_types::Range are convertible into each other.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, new)]
pub(crate) struct Rng(pub(crate) Range);

impl Rng {
    /// Specially handled empty range.
    /// Can be found on optional elements or empty lists.
    pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.0.start.line == 0
            && self.0.start.character == 0
            && self.0.end.line == 0
            && self.0.end.character == 0

    /// Takes ownership of self and the right range.
    /// It handles the special empty range.
    pub(crate) fn extend(mut self, right: Rng) -> Rng {
        if self.is_empty() {
        } else if right.is_empty() {
        } else {
            debug_assert!(self.0.start <= right.0.end);
            self.0.end = right.0.end;

    pub(crate) fn from_slice<'a, T>(slc: &'a [T]) -> Self
        &'a T: Into<Rng>,
        if slc.is_empty() {
        } else {
            let first: &T = slc.first().unwrap();
            let rng: Rng = first.into();
            let last: &T = slc.last().unwrap();

impl From<&OwnedToken> for Rng {
    fn from(t: &OwnedToken) -> Self {

impl From<Rng> for Range {
    fn from(val: Rng) -> Self {

impl From<&Rng> for Range {
    fn from(val: &Rng) -> Self {

// impl<'a, 'b, T: 'a> From<&'a [T]> for Rng where &'b T: Into<Rng>, 'a: 'b {
//     fn from(slc: &'a [T]) -> Self {
//         if slc.is_empty() {
//             Rng::default()
//         } else {
//             let first: &'b T = slc.first().unwrap();
//             let last: &'b T = slc.last().unwrap();
//             first.into().extend(last.into())
//         }
//     }
// }

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use lsp_types::{Position, Range};

    fn test_extend() {
        let rng1 = Rng::new(Range {
            start: Position::new(0, 0),
            end: Position::new(0, 5),
        let rng2 = Rng::new(Range {
            start: Position::new(0, 12),
            end: Position::new(0, 15),
        let extended_rng = Rng::new(Range {
            start: Position::new(0, 0),
            end: Position::new(0, 15),
        assert_eq!(extended_rng, rng1.extend(rng2));
        let empty_rng = Rng::default();
        assert_eq!(empty_rng, empty_rng.extend(empty_rng));
        assert_eq!(rng1, empty_rng.extend(rng1));
        assert_eq!(rng1, rng1.extend(empty_rng));