parity-wasm 0.26.1

WebAssembly binary format serialization/deserialization/interpreter
# parity-wasm

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## Rust WebAssembly format serializing/deserializing

along with (now deprecated) experimental interpreter


extern crate parity_wasm;

let module = parity_wasm::deserialize_file("./res/cases/v1/hello.wasm").unwrap();

let code_section = module.code_section().unwrap(); // Part of the module with functions code

println!("Function count in wasm file: {}", code_section.bodies().len());

## Wabt Test suite

Interpreter and decoder supports full wabt testsuite (, To run testsuite:

- make sure you have all prerequisites to build `wabt` (since parity-wasm builds it internally using `cmake`, see
- checkout with submodules (`git submodule update --init --recursive`)
- run `cargo test --release --manifest-path=spec/Cargo.toml`

Decoder can be fuzzed with `cargo-fuzz` using `wasm-opt` (

- make sure you have all prerequisites to build `binaryen` and `cargo-fuzz` (`cmake` and a C++11 toolchain)
- checkout with submodules (`git submodule update --init --recursive`)
- install `cargo fuzz` subcommand with `cargo install cargo-fuzz`
- set rustup to use a nightly toolchain, because `cargo fuzz` uses a rust compiler plugin: `rustup override set nightly`
- run `cargo fuzz run deserialize`

## Interpreter deprecated

Interpreter here is in deprecated state, new one (`wasmi`) can be found in separate crate:

# License

`parity-wasm` is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT
license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), at your choice.

See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in parity-wasm by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.