Trait parity_wasm::ModuleInstanceInterface [] [src]

pub trait ModuleInstanceInterface {
    fn instantiate<'a>(
        is_user_module: bool,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>
    ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn execute_index(
        index: u32,
        params: ExecutionParams
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; fn execute_export(
        name: &str,
        params: ExecutionParams
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; fn export_entry<'a>(
        name: &str,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>,
        required_type: &ExportEntryType
    ) -> Result<Internal, Error>; fn function_type<'a>(
        function_index: ItemIndex,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>
    ) -> Result<FunctionType, Error>; fn table(&self, index: ItemIndex) -> Result<Arc<TableInstance>, Error>; fn memory(&self, index: ItemIndex) -> Result<Arc<MemoryInstance>, Error>; fn global(
        index: ItemIndex,
        variable_type: Option<VariableType>
    ) -> Result<Arc<VariableInstance>, Error>; fn call_function(
        outer: CallerContext,
        index: ItemIndex,
        function_type: Option<&FunctionType>
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; fn call_function_indirect(
        outer: CallerContext,
        table_index: ItemIndex,
        type_index: u32,
        func_index: u32
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; fn call_internal_function(
        outer: CallerContext,
        index: u32,
        function_type: Option<&FunctionType>
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; }

Module instance API.

Required Methods

Run instantiation-time procedures (validation and start function [if any] call). Module is not completely validated until this call.

Execute function with the given index.

Execute function with the given export name.

Get export entry.

Get function type.

Get table reference.

Get memory reference.

Get global reference.

Call function with given index in functions index space.

Call function with given index in the given table.

Call function with internal index.
