parity-scale-codec 2.1.1

SCALE - Simple Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians
// Copyright 2019 Parity Technologies
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use std::{time::Duration, any::type_name, convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}};

#[cfg(feature = "bit-vec")]
use bitvec::{vec::BitVec, order::Lsb0};
use criterion::{Criterion, black_box, Bencher, criterion_group, criterion_main};
use parity_scale_codec::*;
use parity_scale_codec_derive::{Encode, Decode};

fn array_vec_write_u128(b: &mut Bencher) {
	b.iter(|| {
		for b in 0..black_box(1_000_000) {
			let a = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_u128;
			Compact(a ^ b).using_encoded(|x| {

fn test_vec<F: Fn(&mut Vec<u8>, &[u8])>(b: &mut Bencher, f: F) {
	let f = black_box(f);
	let x = black_box([0xff; 10240]);

	b.iter(|| {
		for _b in 0..black_box(10_000) {
			let mut vec = Vec::<u8>::new();
			f(&mut vec, &x);

fn vec_write_as_output(b: &mut Bencher) {
	test_vec(b, |vec, a| {
		Output::write(vec, a);

fn vec_extend(b: &mut Bencher) {
	test_vec(b, |vec, a| {

fn vec_extend_from_slice(b: &mut Bencher) {
	test_vec(b, |vec, a| {

struct NoLimitInput<'a>(&'a [u8]);

impl<'a> Input for NoLimitInput<'a> {
	fn remaining_len(&mut self) -> Result<Option<usize>, Error> {

	fn read(&mut self, into: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {

#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
enum Event {
	ComplexEvent(Vec<u8>, u32, i32, u128, i8),

fn vec_append_with_decode_and_encode(b: &mut Bencher) {
	let data = b"PCX";

	b.iter(|| {
		let mut encoded_events_vec = Vec::new();
		for _ in 0..1000 {
			let mut events = Vec::<Event>::decode(&mut &encoded_events_vec[..])

			events.push(Event::ComplexEvent(data.to_vec(), 4, 5, 6, 9));

			encoded_events_vec = events.encode();

fn vec_append_with_encode_append(b: &mut Bencher) {
	let data = b"PCX";

	b.iter(|| {
		let mut encoded_events_vec;

		let events = vec![Event::ComplexEvent(data.to_vec(), 4, 5, 6, 9)];
		encoded_events_vec = events.encode();

		for _ in 1..1000 {
			encoded_events_vec = <Vec<Event> as EncodeAppend>::append_or_new(
				&[Event::ComplexEvent(data.to_vec(), 4, 5, 6, 9)],

fn encode_decode_vec<T: TryFrom<u8> + Codec>(c: &mut Criterion) where T::Error: std::fmt::Debug {
	c.bench_function_over_inputs(&format!("vec_encode_{}", type_name::<T>()), |b, &vec_size| {
		let vec: Vec<T> = (0..=127u8)
			.map(|v| v.try_into().unwrap())

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| vec.encode())
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024, 2048, 16384]);

	c.bench_function_over_inputs(&format!("vec_decode_{}", type_name::<T>()), |b, &vec_size| {
		let vec: Vec<T> = (0..=127u8)
			.map(|v| v.try_into().unwrap())

		let vec = vec.encode();

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| {
			let _: Vec<T> = Decode::decode(&mut &vec[..]).unwrap();
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024, 2048, 16384]);

	c.bench_function_over_inputs(&format!("vec_decode_no_limit_{}", type_name::<T>()), |b, &vec_size| {
		let vec: Vec<T> = (0..=127u8)
			.map(|v| v.try_into().unwrap())

		let vec = vec.encode();

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| {
			let _: Vec<T> = Decode::decode(&mut NoLimitInput(&vec[..])).unwrap();
	}, vec![16384, 131072]);

fn encode_decode_complex_type(c: &mut Criterion) {
	#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone)]
	struct ComplexType {
		_val: u32,
		_other_val: u128,
		_vec: Vec<u32>,

	let complex_types = vec![
		ComplexType { _val: 3, _other_val: 345634635, _vec: vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7] },
		ComplexType { _val: 1000, _other_val: 0980345634635, _vec: vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7] },
		ComplexType { _val: 43564, _other_val: 342342345634635, _vec: vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7] },
	let complex_types2 = complex_types.clone();

	c.bench_function_over_inputs("vec_encode_complex_type", move |b, &vec_size| {
		let vec: Vec<ComplexType> = complex_types.clone().into_iter().cycle().take(vec_size).collect();

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| vec.encode())
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024, 2048, 16384]);

	c.bench_function_over_inputs("vec_decode_complex_type", move |b, &vec_size| {
		let vec: Vec<ComplexType> = complex_types2.clone().into_iter().cycle().take(vec_size).collect();

		let vec = vec.encode();

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| {
			let _: Vec<ComplexType> = Decode::decode(&mut &vec[..]).unwrap();
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024, 2048, 16384]);

fn bench_fn(c: &mut Criterion) {
	c.bench_function("vec_write_as_output", vec_write_as_output);
	c.bench_function("vec_extend", vec_extend);
	c.bench_function("vec_extend_from_slice", vec_extend_from_slice);
	c.bench_function("vec_append_with_decode_and_encode", vec_append_with_decode_and_encode);
	c.bench_function("vec_append_with_encode_append", vec_append_with_encode_append);
	c.bench_function("array_vec_write_u128", array_vec_write_u128);

fn encode_decode_bitvec_u8(c: &mut Criterion) {
	let _ = c;

	#[cfg(feature = "bit-vec")]
	c.bench_function_over_inputs("bitvec_u8_encode - BitVec<u8>", |b, &size| {
		let vec: BitVec<Lsb0, u8> = [true, false]

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| vec.encode())
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024]);

	#[cfg(feature = "bit-vec")]
	c.bench_function_over_inputs("bitvec_u8_decode - BitVec<u8>", |b, &size| {
		let vec: BitVec<Lsb0, u8> = [true, false]

		let vec = vec.encode();

		let vec = black_box(vec);
		b.iter(|| {
			let _: BitVec<Lsb0, u8> = Decode::decode(&mut &vec[..]).unwrap();
	}, vec![1, 2, 5, 32, 1024]);

	name = benches;
	config = Criterion::default().warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(500)).without_plots();
	targets = encode_decode_vec::<u8>, encode_decode_vec::<u16>, encode_decode_vec::<u32>, encode_decode_vec::<u64>,
			encode_decode_vec::<i8>, encode_decode_vec::<i16>, encode_decode_vec::<i32>, encode_decode_vec::<i64>,
			bench_fn, encode_decode_bitvec_u8, encode_decode_complex_type