paris 1.0.3

A simple logger for your CLI apps or other things you want in the terminal


  • "parse" function to build custom combinations and styles

A logger for CLI applications | | Integration Tests

Basic example

use logger::Logger;

let logger = Logger::new(false);"This is a very basic example");
// ℹ This is a very basic example


The crate is built so that everything can be chained as many times as you need. Maybe you want to start a very intensive task, show a loading animation and as soon as that task is finished show a success message and then another loading animation:

use logger::Logger;

let logger = Logger::new(false);

logger.loading("Doing a lot of things now...");

// Do the things

    .success("The things I did went well!")
    .loading("But now I'm doing more things");

// Do more things

logger.error("Something broke this time...");

If you want a timestamp with all your logs you can pass true to the constructor

let logger = Logger::new(true); // true means "add timestamp"

Here's a list of all the functions (they're not that many)"message");     // ℹ message

logger.error("message");    // ✖ message

logger.warn("message");     // ⚠ message

logger.success("message");  // ✔ message

logger.log("message");      // message

logger.done(); // Just stops the loading animation

    .info("Indent just adds specified amount of tabs");
// \t\t\t ℹ Indent just adds specified amount of tabs

logger.newline(2).info("Newline is like .indent but with newlines");
// \n\n ℹ Newline is like .indent but with newlines

logger.same().log(".same() forces the next log to not have a newline after it");

To start a loading animation you can run .loading() and to end that animation you can run any other function (except for .same()) and the text that was visible when loading will be replaced with your new log

logger.loading("Loading animation!!");

// will replace "Loading animation!!" with a success message
logger.success("Loading was a success.");