paperclip-macros 0.3.1

Macros for paperclip OpenAPI tooling library
//! Convenience macros for the [actix-web](
//! OpenAPI plugin (exposed by paperclip with `actix` feature).

use heck::*;
use http::StatusCode;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use strum_macros::EnumString;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
    punctuated::Punctuated, Attribute, Data, DataEnum, DeriveInput, Field, Fields, FieldsNamed,
    FieldsUnnamed, Generics, Ident, ItemFn, Lit, Meta, NestedMeta, PathArguments, ReturnType,
    Token, TraitBound, Type,

const SCHEMA_MACRO_ATTR: &str = "openapi";

lazy_static! {
    static ref EMPTY_SCHEMA_HELP: String = format!(
        "you can mark the struct with #[{}(empty)] to ignore this warning.",

/// Actual parser and emitter for `api_v2_operation` macro.
/// **NOTE:** This is a no-op right now. It's only reserved for
/// future use to avoid introducing breaking changes.
pub fn emit_v2_operation(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let mut item_ast: ItemFn = match syn::parse(input) {
        Ok(s) => s,
        Err(e) => {
            emit_error!(e.span().unwrap(), "operation must be a function.");
            return quote!().into();

    let mut wrapper = None;
    match &mut item_ast.sig.output {
        ReturnType::Default => {
                "operation doesn't seem to return a response."
        ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
            let t = quote!(#ty).to_string();
            // FIXME: This is a hack for functions returning known
            // `impl Trait`. Need a better way!
            if t.contains("Responder") {
                wrapper = Some(quote!(paperclip::actix::ResponderWrapper));

            if let (Type::ImplTrait(_), Some(ref w)) = (&**ty, wrapper.as_ref()) {
                if item_ast.sig.asyncness.is_some() {
                    *ty = Box::new(syn::parse2(quote!(#w<#ty>)).expect("parsing wrapper type"));
                } else {
                    *ty = Box::new(
                        syn::parse2(quote!(impl Future<Output=#w<#ty>>))
                            .expect("parsing wrapper type"),

    if let Some(w) = wrapper {
        let block = item_ast.block;
        let wrapped_value = if item_ast.sig.asyncness.is_some() {
        } else {
        item_ast.block = Box::new(
                    let f = (|| {
            .expect("parsing wrapped block"),


/// Actual parser and emitter for `api_v2_errors` macro.
pub fn emit_v2_errors(attrs: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let item_ast = match crate::expect_struct_or_enum(input) {
        Ok(i) => i,
        Err(ts) => return ts,

    let name = &item_ast.ident;
    let attrs = crate::parse_input_attrs(attrs);
    let generics = item_ast.generics.clone();
    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();

    // Convert macro attributes to tuples in form of (u16, &str)
    let error_codes = attrs
        // Pair code attrs with description attrs; save attr itself to properly span error messages at later stage
        .fold(Vec::new(), |mut list: Vec<(Option<u16>, Option<String>, _)>, attr| {
            let span = attr.span().unwrap();
            match attr {
                // Read named attribute.
                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(name_value)) => {
                    let attr_name = name_value.path.get_ident().map(|ident| ident.to_string());
                    let attr_value = &name_value.lit;

                    match (attr_name.as_deref(), attr_value) {
                        // "code" attribute adds new element to list
                        (Some("code"), Lit::Int(attr_value)) => {
                            let status_code = attr_value.base10_parse::<u16>()
                                .map_err(|_| emit_error!(span, "Invalid u16 in code argument")).ok();
                            list.push((status_code, None, attr));
                        // "description" attribute updates last element in list
                        (Some("description"), Lit::Str(attr_value)) =>
                            if let Some(last_value) = list.last_mut() {
                                if last_value.1.is_some() {
                                    emit_warning!(span, "This attribute overwrites previous description");
                                last_value.1 = Some(attr_value.value());
                            } else {
                                emit_error!(span, "Attribute 'description' can be only placed after prior 'code' argument");
                        _ => emit_error!(span, "Invalid macro attribute. Should be plain u16, 'code = u16' or 'description = str'")
                // Read plain status code as attribute.
                NestedMeta::Lit(Lit::Int(attr_value)) => {
                    let status_code = attr_value.base10_parse::<u16>()
                    .map_err(|_| emit_error!(span, "Invalid u16 in code argument")).ok();
                    list.push((status_code, None, attr));
                _ => emit_error!(span, "This macro supports only named attributes - 'code' (u16) or 'description' (str)")

        // Map code-message pairs into bits of code, filter empty codes out
        .filter_map(|triple| {
            let (code, description) = match triple {
                (Some(code), Some(description), _) => (code, description.to_owned()),
                (Some(code), None, attr) => {
                    let span = attr.span().unwrap();
                    let description = StatusCode::from_u16(*code)
                        .map_err(|_| {
                            emit_warning!(span, format!("Invalid status code {}", code));
                        .map(|s| s.canonical_reason()
                            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                                emit_warning!(span, format!("Status code {} doesn't have a canonical name", code));
                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::new());
                    (code, description)
                (None, _, _) => return None,

            Some(quote! {
                (#code, #description),
        .fold(proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), |mut stream, tokens| {

    let gen = quote! {

        impl #impl_generics paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Errors for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
            const ERROR_MAP: &'static [(u16, &'static str)] = &[


/// Actual parser and emitter for `api_v2_schema` macro.
pub fn emit_v2_definition(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let item_ast = match crate::expect_struct_or_enum(input) {
        Ok(i) => i,
        Err(ts) => return ts,

    if let Some(empty) = check_empty_schema(&item_ast) {
        return empty;

    let docs = extract_documentation(&item_ast.attrs);
    let docs = docs.trim();

    let props = SerdeProps::from_item_attrs(&item_ast.attrs);
    let name = &item_ast.ident;

    // Add `Apiv2Schema` bound for impl if the type is generic.
    let mut generics = item_ast.generics.clone();
    let bound = syn::parse2::<TraitBound>(quote!(paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema))
        .expect("expected to parse trait bound");
    generics.type_params_mut().for_each(|param| {

    let opt_impl = add_optional_impl(&name, &generics);
    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();

    // FIXME: Use attr path segments to find flattening, skipping, etc.
    let mut props_gen = quote! {};

    match & {
        Data::Struct(ref s) => match &s.fields {
            Fields::Named(ref f) => handle_field_struct(f, &props, &mut props_gen),
            Fields::Unnamed(ref f) => {
                if f.unnamed.len() == 1 {
                    handle_unnamed_field_struct(f, &mut props_gen)
                } else {
                        "tuple structs do not have named fields and hence will have empty schema.";
                        help = "{}", &*EMPTY_SCHEMA_HELP;
            Fields::Unit => {
                    "unit structs do not have any fields and hence will have empty schema.";
                    help = "{}", &*EMPTY_SCHEMA_HELP;
        Data::Enum(ref e) => handle_enum(e, &props, &mut props_gen),
        Data::Union(ref u) => emit_error!(
            "unions are unsupported for deriving schema"

    let schema_name = name.to_string();
    let gen = quote! {
        impl #impl_generics paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
            const NAME: Option<&'static str> = Some(#schema_name);

            const DESCRIPTION: &'static str = #docs;

            fn raw_schema() -> paperclip::v2::models::DefaultSchemaRaw {
                use paperclip::v2::models::{DataType, DataTypeFormat, DefaultSchemaRaw};
                use paperclip::v2::schema::TypedData;

                let mut schema = DefaultSchemaRaw::default();
       = Some(#schema_name.into()); // Add name for later use.



/// Actual parser and emitter for `Apiv2Security` derive macro.
pub fn emit_v2_security(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let item_ast = match crate::expect_struct_or_enum(input) {
        Ok(i) => i,
        Err(ts) => return ts,

    if let Some(empty) = check_empty_schema(&item_ast) {
        return empty;

    let name = &item_ast.ident;
    // Add `Apiv2Schema` bound for impl if the type is generic.
    let mut generics = item_ast.generics.clone();
    let bound = syn::parse2::<TraitBound>(quote!(paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema))
        .expect("expected to parse trait bound");
    generics.type_params_mut().for_each(|param| {

    let opt_impl = add_optional_impl(&name, &generics);
    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();

    let mut security_attrs = HashMap::new();
    let mut scopes = Vec::new();

    let valid_attrs = vec![
    let invalid_attr_msg = format!("Invalid macro attribute. Should be bare security type [\"apiKey\", \"oauth2\"] or named attribute {:?}", valid_attrs);

    // Read security params from openapi attr.
    for nested in extract_openapi_attrs(&item_ast.attrs) {
        for nested_attr in nested {
            let span = nested_attr.span().unwrap();
            match &nested_attr {
                // Read bare attribute.
                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(attr_path)) => {
                    if let Some(type_) = attr_path.get_ident() {
                        if security_attrs
                            .insert("type".to_string(), type_.to_string())
                            emit_warning!(span, "Auth type defined multiple times.");
                // Read named attribute.
                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(name_value)) => {
                    let attr_name = name_value.path.get_ident().map(|id| id.to_string());
                    let attr_value = &name_value.lit;

                    if let Some(attr_name) = attr_name {
                        if valid_attrs.contains(&attr_name.as_str()) {
                            if let Lit::Str(attr_value) = attr_value {
                                if security_attrs
                                    .insert(attr_name.clone(), attr_value.value())
                                        "Attribute {} defined multiple times.",
                            } else {
                                    "Invalid value for named attribute: {}",
                        } else {
                            emit_warning!(span, invalid_attr_msg);
                    } else {
                        emit_error!(span, invalid_attr_msg);
                // Read scopes attribute
                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::List(list_attr)) => {
                    match list_attr
                        .map(|id| id.to_string())
                        Some("scopes") => {
                            for nested in &list_attr.nested {
                                match nested {
                                    NestedMeta::Lit(Lit::Str(value)) => {
                                    _ => emit_error!(
                                        "Invalid list attribute value"
                        Some(path) => emit_error!(span, "Invalid list attribute: {}", path),
                        _ => emit_error!(span, "Invalid list attribute"),
                _ => {
                    emit_error!(span, invalid_attr_msg);

    fn quote_option(value: Option<&String>) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        if let Some(value) = value {
            quote! { Some(#value.to_string()) }
        } else {
            quote! { None }

    let scopes_stream = scopes
        .fold(proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), |mut stream, scope| {
            stream.extend(quote! {
                oauth2_scopes.insert(#scope.to_string(), #scope.to_string());

    let (security_def, security_def_name) = match (
    ) {
        (Some(type_), None) => {
            let alias = security_attrs.get("alias").unwrap_or_else(|| type_);
            let quoted_description = quote_option(security_attrs.get("description"));
            let quoted_name = quote_option(security_attrs.get("name"));
            let quoted_in = quote_option(security_attrs.get("in"));
            let quoted_flow = quote_option(security_attrs.get("flow"));
            let quoted_auth_url = quote_option(security_attrs.get("auth_url"));
            let quoted_token_url = quote_option(security_attrs.get("token_url"));

                Some(quote! {
                    Some(paperclip::v2::models::SecurityScheme {
                        type_: #type_.to_string(),
                        name: #quoted_name,
                        in_: #quoted_in,
                        flow: #quoted_flow,
                        auth_url: #quoted_auth_url,
                        token_url: #quoted_token_url,
                        scopes: std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
                        description: #quoted_description,
        (None, Some(parent)) => {
            let parent_ident = Ident::new(parent, proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
            // Child of security definition (Scopes will be glued to parent definition).
                Some(quote! {
                    let mut oauth2_scopes = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
                    let mut scheme = #parent_ident::security_scheme()
                        .expect("empty schema. did you derive `Apiv2Security` for parent struct?");
                    scheme.scopes = oauth2_scopes;
                Some(quote!(<#parent_ident as paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema>::NAME)),
        (Some(_), Some(_)) => {
                "Can't define new security type and use parent attribute together."
            (None, None)
        (None, None) => {
                "Invalid attributes. Expected security type or parent defined."
            (None, None)

    let gen = if let (Some(def_block), Some(def_name)) = (security_def, security_def_name) {
        quote! {
            impl #impl_generics paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
                const NAME: Option<&'static str> = #def_name;

                fn security_scheme() -> Option<paperclip::v2::models::SecurityScheme> {

    } else {
        quote! {}


#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
fn add_optional_impl(_: &Ident, _: &Generics) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    // Empty impl for "nightly" feature because specialization helps us there.

#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
fn add_optional_impl(name: &Ident, generics: &Generics) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
    quote! {
        impl #impl_generics paperclip::actix::OperationModifier for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {}

fn get_field_type(field: &Field) -> (Option<proc_macro2::TokenStream>, bool) {
    let mut is_required = true;
    match field.ty {
        Type::Path(ref p) => {
            let ty = p
                .expect("expected type for struct field");

            if p.path.segments.len() == 1 && &ty.ident == "Option" {
                is_required = false;

            (Some(address_type_for_fn_call(&field.ty)), is_required)
        Type::Reference(_) => (Some(address_type_for_fn_call(&field.ty)), is_required),
        _ => {
                "unsupported field type will be ignored."
            (None, is_required)

/// Generates code for a tuple struct with fields.
fn handle_unnamed_field_struct(fields: &FieldsUnnamed, props_gen: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
    let field = fields.unnamed.iter().next().unwrap();
    let (ty_ref, _) = get_field_type(&field);

    if let Some(ty_ref) = ty_ref {
            schema = #ty_ref::raw_schema();

/// Checks for `api_v2_empty` attributes and removes them.
fn extract_openapi_attrs<'a>(
    field_attrs: &'a [Attribute],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Punctuated<syn::NestedMeta, syn::token::Comma>> + 'a {
    field_attrs.iter().filter_map(|a| match a.parse_meta() {
        Ok(Meta::List(list)) if list.path.is_ident("openapi") => Some(list.nested),
        _ => None,

/// Checks for `api_v2_empty` attributes and removes them.
fn extract_documentation(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> String {
        .filter_map(|a| match a.parse_meta() {
            Ok(Meta::NameValue(mnv)) if mnv.path.is_ident("doc") => match &mnv.lit {
                Lit::Str(s) => Some(s.value()),
                _ => None,
            _ => None,

/// Checks if an empty schema has been requested and generate if needed.
fn check_empty_schema(item_ast: &DeriveInput) -> Option<TokenStream> {
    let needs_empty_schema = extract_openapi_attrs(&item_ast.attrs).any(|nested| {
        nested.len() == 1
            && match &nested[0] {
                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path)) => path.is_ident("empty"),
                _ => false,

    if needs_empty_schema {
        let name = &item_ast.ident;
        let generics = item_ast.generics.clone();
        let opt_impl = add_optional_impl(&name, &generics);
        let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
        return Some(quote!(
            impl #impl_generics paperclip::v2::schema::Apiv2Schema for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {}



/// Generates code for a struct with fields.
fn handle_field_struct(
    fields: &FieldsNamed,
    serde: &SerdeProps,
    props_gen: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream,
) {
    for field in &fields.named {
        let mut field_name = field
            .expect("missing field name?")

        if let Some(renamed) = SerdeRename::from_field_attrs(&field.attrs) {
            field_name = renamed;
        } else if let Some(prop) = serde.rename {
            field_name = prop.rename(&field_name);

        let (ty_ref, is_required) = get_field_type(&field);

        let docs = extract_documentation(&field.attrs);
        let docs = docs.trim();

        let mut gen = quote!(
                let mut s = #ty_ref::raw_schema();
                if !#docs.is_empty() {
                    s.description = Some(#docs.to_string());
      , s.into());

        if is_required {
            gen.extend(quote! {


/// Generates code for an enum (if supported).
fn handle_enum(e: &DataEnum, serde: &SerdeProps, props_gen: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
        schema.data_type = Some(DataType::String);

    for var in &e.variants {
        let mut name = var.ident.to_string();
        match &var.fields {
            Fields::Unit => (),
            Fields::Named(ref f) => {
                    "skipping enum variant with named fields in schema."
            Fields::Unnamed(ref f) => {
                emit_warning!(f.span().unwrap(), "skipping tuple enum variant in schema.");

        if let Some(renamed) = SerdeRename::from_field_attrs(&var.attrs) {
            name = renamed;
        } else if let Some(prop) = serde.rename {
            name = prop.rename(&name);


/// An associated function of a generic type, say, a vector cannot be called
/// like `Vec::foo` as it doesn't have a default type. We should instead call
/// `Vec::<T>::foo`. Something similar applies to `str`. This function takes
/// care of that special treatment.
fn address_type_for_fn_call(old_ty: &Type) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    if let Type::Reference(_) = old_ty {
        return quote!(<(#old_ty)>);

    let mut ty = old_ty.clone();
    if let Type::Path(ref mut p) = &mut ty {
        p.path.segments.pairs_mut().for_each(|mut pair| {
            let is_empty = pair.value().arguments.is_empty();
            let args = &mut pair.value_mut().arguments;
            match args {
                PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref mut brack_args) if !is_empty => {
                    brack_args.colon2_token = Some(Token![::](proc_macro2::Span::call_site()));
                _ => (),


/* Serde attributes */

/// Supported renaming options in serde (
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, EnumString)]
enum SerdeRename {
    #[strum(serialize = "lowercase")]
    #[strum(serialize = "UPPERCASE")]
    #[strum(serialize = "PascalCase")]
    #[strum(serialize = "camelCase")]
    #[strum(serialize = "snake_case")]
    #[strum(serialize = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE")]
    #[strum(serialize = "kebab-case")]
    #[strum(serialize = "SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE")]

impl SerdeRename {
    /// Traverses the field attributes and returns the renamed value from the first matching
    /// `#[serde(rename = "...")]` pattern.
    fn from_field_attrs(field_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<String> {
        for meta in field_attrs.iter().filter_map(|a| a.parse_meta().ok()) {
            let inner_meta = match meta {
                Meta::List(ref l)
                    if l.path
                        .map(|p| p.ident == "serde")
                        .unwrap_or(false) =>
                _ => continue,

            for meta in inner_meta {
                let rename = match meta {
                    NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(ref v))
                        if v.path
                            .map(|p| p.ident == "rename")
                            .unwrap_or(false) =>
                    _ => continue,

                if let Lit::Str(ref s) = rename {
                    return Some(s.value());


    /// Renames the given value using the current option.
    fn rename(self, name: &str) -> String {
        match self {
            SerdeRename::Lower => name.to_lowercase(),
            SerdeRename::Upper => name.to_uppercase(),
            SerdeRename::Pascal => name.to_camel_case(),
            SerdeRename::Camel => name.to_mixed_case(),
            SerdeRename::Snake => name.to_snek_case(),
            SerdeRename::ScreamingSnake => name.to_snek_case().to_uppercase(),
            SerdeRename::Kebab => name.to_kebab_case(),
            SerdeRename::ScreamingKebab => name.to_kebab_case().to_uppercase(),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct SerdeProps {
    rename: Option<SerdeRename>,

impl SerdeProps {
    /// Traverses the serde attributes in the given item attributes and returns
    /// the applicable properties.
    fn from_item_attrs(item_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Self {
        let mut props = Self::default();
        for meta in item_attrs.iter().filter_map(|a| a.parse_meta().ok()) {
            let inner_meta = match meta {
                Meta::List(ref l)
                    if l.path
                        .map(|p| p.ident == "serde")
                        .unwrap_or(false) =>
                _ => continue,

            for meta in inner_meta {
                let global_rename = match meta {
                    NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(ref v))
                        if v.path
                            .map(|p| p.ident == "rename_all")
                            .unwrap_or(false) =>
                    _ => continue,

                if let Lit::Str(ref s) = global_rename {
                    props.rename = s.value().parse().ok();
