pane 0.4.0

Align text inside of resizable rectangular panes
use std::collections::HashMap;

#[cfg(feature = "graphics")]
use graphics::{
    character::CharacterCache, math::Matrix2d, text as draw_text, Graphics, ImageSize, Transformed,
use rusttype::{Error, Font, GlyphId, Scale};

use crate::math::{Rectangle, Scalar, Vector2, ZeroOneTwo};
use crate::Color;

/// A horizantal text justification
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Justification {
    /// Align on the left
    /// Center align
    /// Align on the right

/// Lines that have starting positions
/// `V` usually implements `Vector2`
pub type PositionedLines<V> = Vec<(V, String)>;

/// A way of resizing text in a rectangle
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Resize {
    /// Make the text no larger than its original font size,
    /// but still try to fit it in the rectangle
    /// Make the text as large as possible while still
    /// fitting in the rectangle
    /// Do not resize the text

/// A format for some text
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct TextFormat<S>
    S: Scalar,
    /// The font size
    pub font_size: u32,
    /// The horizantal justification
    pub just: Justification,
    /// The spacing between lines. This should usually be somewhere
    /// between `1.0` and `2.0`, but any scalar is valid
    pub line_spacing: S,
    /// The number of spaces to indent the first line of a paragraph
    pub first_line_indent: usize,
    /// The number of spaces to indent all lines of a paragraph
    /// after the first
    pub lines_indent: usize,
    /// The color of the text
    pub color: Color,
    /// The resize strategy
    pub resize: Resize,

impl<S> From<u32> for TextFormat<S>
    S: Scalar,
    fn from(font_size: u32) -> Self {

impl<S> TextFormat<S>
    S: Scalar,
    /// Create a default `TextFormat` with the given font size
    pub fn new(font_size: u32) -> TextFormat<S> {
        TextFormat {
            just: Justification::Left,
            line_spacing: S::ONE,
            first_line_indent: 0,
            lines_indent: 0,
            color: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
            resize: Resize::NoLarger,
    /// Align the `TextFormat` to the left
    pub fn left(mut self) -> Self {
        self.just = Justification::Left;
    /// Center-align the `TextFormat`
    pub fn centered(mut self) -> Self {
        self.just = Justification::Centered;
    /// Align the `TextFormat` to the right
    pub fn right(mut self) -> Self {
        self.just = Justification::Right;
    /// Set the font size
    pub fn font_size(mut self, font_size: u32) -> Self {
        self.font_size = font_size;
    /// Set the line spacing
    pub fn line_spacing(mut self, line_spacing: S) -> Self {
        self.line_spacing = line_spacing;
    /// Changes the type of the line spacing and thus the `TextFormat` itself
    pub fn map_line_spacing<U>(&self) -> TextFormat<U>
        U: Scalar + From<S>,
        TextFormat {
            font_size: self.font_size,
            just: self.just,
            line_spacing: U::from(self.line_spacing),
            first_line_indent: self.first_line_indent,
            lines_indent: self.lines_indent,
            color: self.color,
            resize: self.resize,
    /// Set the indentation of the first line
    pub fn first_line_indent(mut self, first_line_indent: usize) -> Self {
        self.first_line_indent = first_line_indent;
    /// Set the indentation of all lines after the first
    pub fn lines_indent(mut self, lines_indent: usize) -> Self {
        self.lines_indent = lines_indent;
    /// Set the color
    pub fn color(mut self, color: Color) -> Self {
        self.color = color;
    /// Set the resize strategy
    pub fn resize(mut self, resize: Resize) -> Self {
        self.resize = resize;
    /// Change the font size depending on the the resize strategy
    /// The given max size is not used if the strategy is `Resize::None`
    pub fn resize_font(mut self, max_size: u32) -> Self {
        match self.resize {
            Resize::NoLarger => self.font_size = self.font_size.min(max_size),
            Resize::Max => self.font_size = max_size,
            Resize::None => (),

/// Defines behavior of a cache of character widths.
/// In general, determining the width of a character glyphs with a given font size
/// is a non-trivial calculation. Caching a width calculation for each characters
/// and font size ensures that the calculation is only done once for each pair.
pub trait CharacterWidthCache {
    /// The scalar type for the width
    type Scalar: Scalar;
    /// Get the width of a character at a font size
    fn char_width(&mut self, character: char, font_size: u32) -> Self::Scalar;
    /// Get the width of a string at a font_size
    fn width(&mut self, text: &str, font_size: u32) -> Self::Scalar {
            .map(|c| self.char_width(c, font_size))
            .fold(Self::Scalar::ZERO, std::ops::Add::add)
    /// Split a string into a list of lines of text with the given format where no line
    /// is wider than the given max width. Newlines (`\n`) in the string are respected
    fn format_lines<F>(&mut self, text: &str, max_width: Self::Scalar, format: F) -> Vec<String>
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        let mut sized_lines = Vec::new();
        let mut first_line = false;
        // Iterate through lines
        for line in text.lines() {
            // Initialize a result line
            let mut sized_line = String::new();
            // Apply the indentation
            let indent = (0..if first_line {
            } else {
                .map(|_| ' ')
            let mut curr_width = self.width(&indent, format.font_size);
            // Iterate through words
            for word in line.split_whitespace() {
                // Get the word's width
                let width = self.width(word, format.font_size);
                // If the word goes past the max width...
                if !(curr_width + width < max_width || curr_width == Self::Scalar::ZERO) {
                    // Pop off the trailing space
                    // Push the result line onto the result list
                    // Init next line
                    first_line = false;
                    sized_line = String::new();
                    // Apply the indentation
                    let indent = (0..if first_line {
                    } else {
                        .map(|_| ' ')
                    curr_width = self.width(&indent, format.font_size);
                // Push the word onto the result line
                sized_line.push(' ');
                curr_width = curr_width + width + self.char_width(' ', format.font_size);
            // Push the result line onto the result list
            first_line = false;
    /// Get the width of the widest line after performing
    /// the calculation of `CharacterWidthCache::format_lines`
    fn max_line_width<F>(&mut self, text: &str, max_width: Self::Scalar, format: F) -> Self::Scalar
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        let lines = self.format_lines(text, max_width, format);
            .map(|line| self.width(&line, format.font_size))
            .max_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal))
    /// Calculate a set of positioned lines of text with the given format
    /// that fit within the given rectangle
    fn justify_text<R, F>(&mut self, text: &str, rect: R, format: F) -> PositionedLines<R::Vector>
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        self.format_lines(text, rect.width(), format)
            .map(|(i, line)| {
                let y_offset =
                    + format.font_size.into()
                    + Self::Scalar::from(i as u32) * format.font_size.into() * format.line_spacing;
                use self::Justification::*;
                let line_width = self.width(&line, format.font_size);
                let x_offset = match format.just {
                    Left => rect.left(),
                    Centered => - line_width / Self::Scalar::TWO,
                    Right => rect.right() - line_width,
                (R::Vector::new(x_offset, y_offset), line)
    /// Check if text with the given format fits within a rectangle's width
    fn text_fits_horizontal<R, F>(&mut self, text: &str, rect: R, format: F) -> bool
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        self.max_line_width(text, rect.width(), format) < rect.width()
    /// Check if text with the given format fits within a rectangle's height
    fn text_fits_vertical<R, F>(&mut self, text: &str, rect: R, format: F) -> bool
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        let lines = self.format_lines(text, rect.width(), format);
        if lines.is_empty() {
            return true;
        let last_line_y =
            + format.font_size.into()
            + Self::Scalar::from((lines.len() - 1) as u32)
                * format.font_size.into()
                * format.line_spacing;
        last_line_y < rect.bottom()
    /// Check if text with the given format fits within a rectangle
    fn text_fits<R, F>(&mut self, text: &str, rect: R, format: F) -> bool
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        self.text_fits_horizontal(text, rect, format) && self.text_fits_vertical(text, rect, format)
    /// Determine the maximum font size for text with the given format
    /// that will still allow the text to fit within a rectangle
    fn fit_max_font_size<R, F>(&mut self, text: &str, rect: R, format: F) -> u32
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let mut format = format.into();
        while !self.text_fits(text, rect, format) {
            format.font_size -= 1;
    /// Determine the minumum height for a rectangle such that text
    /// with the given format will still fit within the rectangle
    /// The given delta value defines how much to increment the
    /// rectangle's height on each check. Lower deltas will yield
    /// more accurate results, but will take longer to computer.
    fn fit_min_height<R, F>(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        mut rect: R,
        format: F,
        delta: Self::Scalar,
    ) -> Self::Scalar
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        let delta = delta.abs().max(Self::Scalar::ONE);
        while self.text_fits_vertical(text, rect, format) {
            rect = rect.with_size(R::Vector::new(rect.width(), rect.height() - delta))
        while !self.text_fits_vertical(text, rect, format) {
            rect = rect.with_size(R::Vector::new(rect.width(), rect.height() + delta))
    /// Determine the minumum width for a rectangle such that text
    /// with the given format will still fit within the rectangle
    /// The given delta value defines how much to increment the
    /// rectangle's width on each check. Lower deltas will yield
    /// more accurate results, but will take longer to computer.
    fn fit_min_width<R, F>(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        mut rect: R,
        format: F,
        delta: Self::Scalar,
    ) -> Self::Scalar
        R: Rectangle<Scalar = Self::Scalar>,
        F: Into<TextFormat<Self::Scalar>>,
        let format = format.into();
        let delta = delta.abs().max(Self::Scalar::ONE);
        while self.text_fits(text, rect, format) {
            rect = rect.with_size(R::Vector::new(rect.width() - delta, rect.height()))
        while !self.text_fits(text, rect, format) {
            rect = rect.with_size(R::Vector::new(rect.width() + delta, rect.height()))

/// A basic implememntor for `CharacterWidthCache`
pub struct Glyphs<'f, S = f64>
    S: Scalar,
    widths: HashMap<(u32, char), S>,
    font: Font<'f>,

impl<'f, S> Glyphs<'f, S>
    S: Scalar,
    /// Loads a `Glyphs` from an array of font data.
    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &'f [u8]) -> Result<Glyphs<'f, S>, Error> {
        Ok(Glyphs {
            widths: HashMap::new(),
            font: Font::from_bytes(bytes)?,
    /// Loads a `Glyphs` from a `Font`.
    pub fn from_font(font: Font<'f>) -> Glyphs<'f, S> {
        Glyphs {
            widths: HashMap::new(),

impl<'f, S> CharacterWidthCache for Glyphs<'f, S>
    S: Scalar,
    type Scalar = S;
    fn char_width(&mut self, character: char, font_size: u32) -> Self::Scalar {
        let font = &self.font;
            .entry((font_size, character))
            .or_insert_with(|| {
                let scale = Scale::uniform(font_size as f32);
                let glyph = font.glyph(character).scaled(scale);
                let glyph = if == GlyphId(0) && glyph.shape().is_none() {
                } else {

#[cfg(feature = "graphics")]
impl<C> CharacterWidthCache for C
    C: CharacterCache,
    type Scalar = f64;
    fn char_width(&mut self, character: char, font_size: u32) -> Self::Scalar {
        if let Ok(texture) = <Self as CharacterCache>::character(self, font_size, character) {
        } else {
            panic!("CharacterWidthCache::character returned Err")

/// Draw justified text to something using the `piston2d-graphics` crate
/// Text will be drawn in the given rectangle and use the given format
#[cfg(feature = "graphics")]
pub fn justified_text<R, F, T, C, G>(
    text: &str,
    rect: R,
    format: F,
    glyphs: &mut C,
    transform: Matrix2d,
    graphics: &mut G,
) -> Result<(), C::Error>
    R: Rectangle<Scalar = f64>,
    F: Into<TextFormat<R::Scalar>>,
    T: ImageSize,
    C: CharacterCache<Texture = T>,
    G: Graphics<Texture = T>,
    let format = format.into();
    for (pos, line) in glyphs.justify_text(text, rect, format.map_line_spacing::<f64>()) {
            transform.trans(pos.x(), pos.y()),