pandora_box 0.4.8

Pandora's Box: A helper for SydBox, a ptrace & seccomp based sandbox to make sandboxing practical

Syd's Box

SydBox is a ptrace & seccomp based sandbox for modern Linux machines to sandbox unwanted process access to filesystem and network resources.


SydBox uses autotools. To build, simply do ./configure, make and sudo make install.

To use SydBox you need a recent Linux kernel, preferably 3.5 or newer which has secure computing mode facility. Make sure you build SydBox without --disable-seccomp. SydBox works fine without SecComp but it is going to be noticably slower and less secure. See the SydBox manual page on more information about secure computing mode protections. The parts which are of particular interest to read are:

NOTE: Secure computing mode only works on i386 and x86_64 architectures.

In addition, it is advised that you enable the kernel option CONFIG_CROSS_MEMORY_ATTACH=y so that SydBox can use the functions process_vm_readv and process_vm_writev. These system calls are available in Linux since 3.2.

NOTE: Pandora is in its early stages of development. To be able to use Pandora you need Sydbox-1.2.1 or later.

You can check the build options using sydbox --version:

$ sydbox --version
sydbox-1.1.0-pandora-0.0.3-1-gc96f237 (pinktrace-0.9.5 git:v0.9.5-1-ge6ac27f)
Options: dump:yes seccomp:yes ipv6:yes netlink:yes
  • seccomp:yes indicates --enable-seccomp was passed on build.
  • ipv6:yes IPv6 Network Sandboxing is enabled.

SydBox requires Pink's Tracing Library



Pandora's Box: A helper for SydBox, a ptrace & seccomp based sandbox to make sandboxing practical. This makes it easy for the end user to use secure computing for practical purposes.

Simple Example:

Step 1: Inspect and gather data about the given process.

In this case, we're going to try with

$ pandora profile firefox

Browse using firefox for a while, let pandora gather data. The browser is running under a tracer so it'll run noticably slower.

  • use --bin /path/to/sydbox, if sydbox is not in PATH
  • use --output firefox.syd-1 to specify an alternative output path for profile.
$ $EDITOR out.syd-1

Inspect what the browser has been doing. Enable, disable additional options or turn paths into wildcards such as /home/*** to allow home and everything beyond /home the usual glob characters, ?, * are supported.

Check SydBox manual page to learn more on how PATTERN MATCHING works.

Enable, disable additional network addresses unless you're using a SOCKS5 proxy which does remote DNS lookups, e.g:


for Tor.

Check SydBox manual page to learn more on how ADDRESS MATCHING works.

$ pandora box -c out.syd-1 firefox

For instance if you see an access violation such as

sydbox: 8< -- Access Violation! --
sydbox: connect(-1, unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native)
sydbox: proc: AudioIPC Server[754336] (parent:0)
sydbox: cwd: `/home/alip/src/exherbo/sydbox-1'
sydbox: cmdline: `/usr/lib/firefox/firefox '
sydbox: >8 --
sydbox: 8< -- Access Violation! --
sydbox: connect(-1, unix:/var/run/pulse/native)
sydbox: proc: AudioIPC Server[754336] (parent:0)
sydbox: cwd: `/home/alip/src/exherbo/sydbox-1'
sydbox: cmdline: `/usr/lib/firefox/firefox '
sydbox: >8 --

This sounds like you're trying to play some audio on your browser. In this case, you should add a whitelist to your profile .syd-1 file and restart your browser under this new profile.


Note, sometimes you may have to add a symbolic link rather than the file it is pointing to, or vice versa, or both.

Last but not least,

Share your profile with other people and help others use secure computing!

Here is a Firefox profile edited by yours truly:


Read BUGS.

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Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?


Github mirror is updated periodically. Feel free to submit an issue or a pull request there. Attaching poems encourages consideration tremendously.


Read the fine manual of SydBox and SydFmt.

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