pandora_box 0.4.6

Pandora's Box: A helper for SydBox, a ptrace & seccomp based sandbox to make sandboxing practical
Syd's Box
SydBox is a [ptrace]( & [seccomp]( based sandbox for modern [Linux]( machines to sandbox unwanted process access to filesystem and network resources.

SydBox uses autotools. To build, simply do `./configure`, `make` and `sudo make install`.

To use SydBox you need a recent [Linux]( kernel, preferably 3.5
or newer which has [secure computing mode](
facility. Make sure you build SydBox with **--enable-seccomp** given to
`./configure`. SydBox works fine without it but it is going to be noticably slower
and less secure. See the [SydBox manual
page]( on more information about
[secure computing mode]( protections. The
parts which are of particular interest to read are:

- [core/trace/use_seccomp](,
- [core/restrict/file_control](
- [core/restrict/shared_memory_writable](

**NOTE**: [Secure computing mode]( only works
on `i386` and `x86_64` architectures.

In addition, it is advised that you enable the kernel option
`CONFIG_CROSS_MEMORY_ATTACH=y` so that SydBox can use the functions
and [process_vm_writev](
These system calls are available in Linux since 3.2.

**NOTE:** Pandora is in its early stages of development. To be able to use Pandora
you need **Sydbox-1.2.0** or later.

- Tar:
- SHA:
- GPG:
- Git:

- Browse:
- Exheres:
  - [sydbox.exlib](
  - [sydbox-scm.exheres-0](

You can check the build options using `sydbox --version`:

$ sydbox --version
sydbox-1.1.0-pandora-0.0.3-1-gc96f237 (pinktrace-0.9.5 git:v0.9.5-1-ge6ac27f)
Options: dump:yes seccomp:yes ipv6:yes netlink:yes

- **seccomp:yes** indicates **--enable-seccomp** was passed on build.
- **ipv6:yes** **IPv6 Network Sandboxing** is enabled.

SydBox requires [Pink's Tracing Library](

- Exheres:
  - [pinktrace-1.exlib](
  - [pinktrace-scm.exheres-0](
- Git:
- Lightweight [ptrace]( wrapper library
  providing a robust API for tracing processes.
- An extensive API reference is available [here](
- Tar:
- Git:

Pandora's Box: A helper for SydBox, a ptrace & seccomp based sandbox to make sandboxing practical.
This makes it easy for the end user to use secure computing for practical purposes.

Simple Example:

Step 1: Inspect and gather data about the given process.

In this case, we're going to try with

$ pandora profile firefox

Browse using firefox for a while, let pandora gather data. The browser is running
under a tracer so it'll run noticably slower.

- use --bin /path/to/sydbox, if sydbox is not in PATH
- use --output firefox.syd-1 to specify an alternative output path for profile.

$ $EDITOR out.syd-1

Inspect what the browser has been doing.
Enable, disable additional options or turn paths into wildcards such as
`/home/***` to allow home and everything beyond /home
the usual glob characters, `?, *` are supported.

Check [SydBox manual page]( to
learn more on how **PATTERN MATCHING** works.

Enable, disable additional network addresses unless you're using a **SOCKS5 proxy**
which does remote DNS lookups, e.g:


for [Tor](

Check [SydBox manual page]( to
learn more on how **ADDRESS MATCHING** works.

$ pandora box -c out.syd-1 firefox

- Run the browser under secure computing with full protection.
- Check [SydBox manual page for a list of system call
- Check the console for possible access violations over time.

- *Edit the profile file as necessary and update restrictions.*

For instance if you see an access violation such as
sydbox: 8< -- Access Violation! --
sydbox: connect(-1, unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native)
sydbox: proc: AudioIPC Server[754336] (parent:0)
sydbox: cwd: `/home/alip/src/exherbo/sydbox-1'
sydbox: cmdline: `/usr/lib/firefox/firefox '
sydbox: >8 --
sydbox: 8< -- Access Violation! --
sydbox: connect(-1, unix:/var/run/pulse/native)
sydbox: proc: AudioIPC Server[754336] (parent:0)
sydbox: cwd: `/home/alip/src/exherbo/sydbox-1'
sydbox: cmdline: `/usr/lib/firefox/firefox '
sydbox: >8 --

This sounds like you're trying to play some audio on your browser. In this case, you
should add a whitelist to your profile `.syd-1` file and restart your browser under
this new profile.


Note, sometimes you may have to add a symbolic link rather than the file it is
pointing to, or vice versa, or both.

Last but not least,

**Share your profile with other people and help others use secure computing!**

Here is a Firefox profile edited by yours truly:

Read [BUGS](

Below are the details of the author. **Mail is preferred. Attaching poems encourages
consideration tremendously.**

Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?

- **Alï Polatel** [](
- **Exherbo:**
- **Github:**
- **Twitter:**
- **Mastodon:**
- **IRC:** alip at [Libera](

- **Original Git**:
- **Github Mirror**:

Github mirror is updated periodically. Feel free to submit an issue or a pull
request there. **Attaching poems encourages consideration tremendously.**


Read the fine manual of [SydBox]( and [SydFmt](

Blog Posts

* [Sydbox: Stop Skype P2P/Call Home: People Have The Right To Communicate W\o Eavesdropping](
* [Recent Linux Changes Help Safe & Secure w\o Root](
* [A Study in Sydbox](
* [Pink's Tracing Library](
* [Sydbox Logo Survey](
* [Sydbox: Default Sandbox of Exherbo](
* [Disabling External Commands in Metadata Phase (Exherbo&gt;Gentoo)](
* [ptrace on IA64](
* [Network Sandboxing and /proc (Exherbo&gt;Gentoo)](
* [ptrace on FreeBSD](
* [Running Untrusted Binaries that Access the Network](
* [Proper Network Sandboxing (Exherbo&gt;Gentoo)](
* [Deprecating addpredict (Exherbo&gt;Gentoo)](

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