pandoc-ac 0.2.0

A simple pandoc filter for converting acronym codes to LaTeX

Pandoc acronym

Latest Version Minimum Rust Version 1.31 Minimum Pandoc Version 2.2 Build Status dependency status

This filter provides a slightly cleaner syntax for LaTeX acronyms.

What it does:

Code Description Translates to
(+x) basic acronym instruction \ac{x}
(+~x) full form of the acronym \acf{x}
(+-x) always short form \acs{x}
(+x) always expand acronym \acs{x}
(+*x), (+.*x), (+-*x), (+~*x) plural form of the above \acp{x}, \acsp{x}, \aclp{x}, \acfp{x} respectively
(+^x), (+.^x), (+-^x), (+~^x) plural form, alternate syntax \acp{x}, \acsp{x}, \aclp{x}, \acfp{x}


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