Type Alias panda_sys::GPollFunc

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pub type GPollFunc = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(ufds: *mut GPollFD, nfsd: guint, timeout_: gint) -> gint>;
Expand description

GPollFunc: @ufds: an array of #GPollFD elements @nfsd: the number of elements in @ufds @timeout_: the maximum time to wait for an event of the file descriptors. A negative value indicates an infinite timeout.

Specifies the type of function passed to g_main_context_set_poll_func(). The semantics of the function should match those of the poll() system call.

Returns: the number of #GPollFD elements which have events or errors reported, or -1 if an error occurred.

Aliased Type§

enum GPollFunc {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut _GPollFD, _: u32, _: i32) -> i32),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut _GPollFD, _: u32, _: i32) -> i32)

Some value of type T.